This module configures system for serial console access (boot loader, kernel and login)
Module has been tested on:
- Puppet 3.6
- OS:
- Debian 6,7,8,9
- RHEL/CentOS 6,7
Required modules:
- puppetlabs-stdlib
- herculesteam-augeasproviders_grub
include serial_console
Full configuration options:
class { 'serial_console':
enable => false|true, # enable configuration
enable_kernel => false|true, # enable kernel config.
enable_bootloader => false|true, # enable bootloader config.
enable_login => false|true, # enable login over serial config.
tty => '...', # text console name
ttys => '...', # serial device name without path, e.g. ttyS0
speed => ..., # serial port speed, e.g. 115200
term_type => ..., # serial terminal type, e.g. vt100
runlevels => '...', # run levels for login over serial
bootloader_timeout => '...' # bootloader timeout
logout_timeout => '...', # interactive session timeout
cmd_refresh_init => '...', # command to refresh init
cmd_refresh_bootloader => '...', # command to refresh bootloader
Returns list of available (USB) serial port device names (without /dev prefix). E.g.:
Returns absolute path to GRUB 1 configuration file.
- Steven Bakker [email protected]
- Matthew Rásó-Barnett [email protected]
CERIT Scientific Cloud, [email protected]