This site helps you publish what you think and feel, comment and like on others' posts.
- As User , I can view all posts .
- As User , I can register in reddit4K website .
- As User , I can login in reddit4K website .
- As User , I can add a many posts .
- As User , I can add a many comments on my posts or other posts .
- As User , I can delete my post.
- As User , I can edit my post .
- As User , I can delete my comment .
- As User , I can edit my comment .
- As User , I can delete other comments on my posts.
- As User , I can pot my or remove my vote on my posts and other post .
when the user opens the website shows all classes with details of these classes like posts,comments ,The names of the owners of the posts, he must be login into the website. when I go the view home page shows all posts and input filed add post. when I finish add posts and comments I can log out.
- If you're a git user :
in you terminal type :
then :cd Reddit4K
- If you're not a git user :
- Click on the 'Code' green button on the right.
- Click on 'Download ZIP'.
- You will have the project as ZIP file.
- Extract the files.
- CSS3
- JS
- NPM PACKAGES : Jest , Supertest , Eslint , Node-fetch , express , nodemon , cross-env , pg , faker-js
- JSON files
- GIt & Github
- Heroku