Broadcom SV for Dot Net
The SV4dotnet library provides .NET developers with CA Service Virtualization's capabilities. The developer can create, update, deploy and delete the SV virtual services directly from .NET code.
The following are supported for creation/updation of virtual services.
RR pairs
Zip file
MAR file
Change of Execution Mode
The SV4dotnet library integrates with the Nunit test framework as part of the MS Visual Studio IDE.
The SV4dotnet library is designed to be a seamless integration in your MS Visual Studio IDE infrastructure.
This architecture provides with the flexibility to create virtual services in SV. Each developer can update the supplied config (SV.config) file with their corresponding username/password as well as the SV URLs that will be used for the virtual services CRUD calls.
The following steps are necessary for a successful integration of SV4dotnet into the .NET solution development environment.
Create Nunit tests project as part of your .NET solution
Download and add dependencies for the SV4dotnet components
Install the following dependencies (you can download them via the nuget manager that is part of MS Visual Studio). You would need to work closely with your SCM team/dev management to make sure that you download and install the following packages:
Authenticated Encryption 2.0.0
Log4net 2.0.11
Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3
SystemConfiguration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0
Add a setup method as part of your testcases. This method will load the SV.config
Add the necessary methods to create, update, and delete the virtual services (as needed)
Here is an example in how to setup the Nunit tests
namespace DemoTestProject
public class DemoTest
// Below is the url used with the application under test, update this to the virtual
// service endpoint
// once you define it in the configuration file.
string url =
// configure the below parameters
Configuration config;
string user;
string password;
AppSettingsSection section;
// configure the below method to execute before the test methods
public void Setup()
// The below method will load the config that you would like to use (Ex: SV.config)
// Alternatively to read the below parameter during runtime, you can add it
// to the runsettings file and read it from the TestContext.Parameters
config = SVClient.SVLoadConfig(TestContext.Parameters["SV.config"]);
section = (AppSettingsSection)config.GetSection("appSettings");
user = section.Settings["username"].Value;
password = SVScrambler.SVScramble(config);
// Call method below to create the virtual service
// functionality can be "Create", "Update", and "Delete" depending
// on what you plan to do
//the path1 and path2 arguements are associated with files
// for creation of the SV virtual service
HttpResponseMessage response = SVClient.SVProcessRequests(config, user,
password, "Update", "wgdemoservice", null,
"Pet-onhold-req.txt", "Pet-onhold-rsp.txt", null).Result;
[Test, Order(1)]
public void FindPetsbyStatusTest_newentry()
HttpResponseMessage response = PetStore.findPetsbyStatus(url, "newentry").Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Here is an example of test.runsettings file that will would allow you to load the desired config file dynamically.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Parameters used by tests at runtime -->
<Parameter name="SVConfig" value="SV.Config" />
The SV4dotnet also includes support for secured SV portal (https). If you are going to be working in said secured SV environment, you will need to obtain a signed certificate from the SV admin team. The certificate will have a suffix of “CER” or “CRT” and be X-509 complaint for SV4dotnet to use it and be able to establish a trusted connection with the secured SV portal.