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Merge pull request #19 from iseeyoucopy/main
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New feature alert with gps coordinates
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iseeyoucopy authored Nov 24, 2024
2 parents 16c36f0 + add667a commit ebda1a7
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Showing 10 changed files with 189 additions and 29 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ Planned to come: Checking cause of death plus some pretty UI stuff and more! ;)
- Bandages and Revive items Config
- Webhook for revivals
- Doctors offices for collecting equipment
- Alert with gps coordinates sending when doctor is online
- Shaman item that allows players to skip the job check
- Additional possibility to have the NPC-Doc take a percentage amount of money
- Additional possibility for the NPC-Doc to steal items and/or weapons from the player inventory after being revived

## Bleeding
- Database bleed values
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,4 +63,5 @@ Planned to come: Checking cause of death plus some pretty UI stuff and more! ;)
- Restart server

## GitHub
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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions client/client.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -623,3 +623,38 @@ AddEventHandler('onResourceStop', function(resourceName)
NpcDoctor = 0

AddEventHandler('bcc-medical:notify', function(data)
--clientDebugPrint("Received notification: " .. data.message)

-- Displaying the notification using VORP core method
VORPcore.NotifyLeft(data.message, "", "scoretimer_textures", "scoretimer_generic_cross", 5000)

-- Handling blip setup
if data.x and data.y and data.z then
if globalBlip then
BccUtils.Blips:RemoveBlip(globalBlip.rawblip) -- Cleanup any existing blip

globalBlip = BccUtils.Blips:SetBlip(data.blipLabel, data.blipSprite, data.blipScale, data.x, data.y, data.z)
SetTimeout(data.blipDuration, function()
globalBlip = nil -- Reset the global blip reference

-- GPS route setup if required
if data.useGpsRoute then
StartGpsMultiRoute(GetHashKey("COLOR_RED"), true, true)
AddPointToGpsMultiRoute(data.x, data.y, data.z)

-- Set a timeout to clear the GPS route after a specified duration
SetTimeout(data.gpsRouteDuration or data.blipDuration, function()
ClearGpsMultiRoute() -- This will clear the GPS route
SetGpsMultiRouteRender(false) -- Ensure it's no longer rendered on the map
--clientDebugPrint("GPS route cleared.")
25 changes: 23 additions & 2 deletions configs/config.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ Config.doctors = {
amount = 25, -- Currency Amount or Percentage for Revive from NPC Doctor
gonegative = false, -- Can you go negative paying for NPC revival // Works only if useFixCost = true
timer = 1, -- How many minutes between calls
toHospital = true, -- if true, player will be respawned to nearby hospital else will be revived on spot
RandomRemove = true, -- NPC Revive randomly takes items from the inventory. Either nothing, just items, just weapons or everything
toHospital = false, -- if true, player will be respawned to nearby hospital else will be revived on spot
RandomRemove = false, -- NPC Revive randomly takes items from the inventory. Either nothing, just items, just weapons or everything

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,27 @@ Config.MedicAssistantLocations = {
NpcModel = 'CS_SDDoctor_01'

Config.Alerts = true
Config.alertPermissions = {
["medicalEmergency"] = {
allowedJobs = {
doctor = { minGrade = 1, maxGrade = 5 }, -- Doctors of grade 1 to 5
doctorval = { minGrade = 1, maxGrade = 5 }, -- Doctors of grade 1 to 5
doctorstraw = { minGrade = 1, maxGrade = 5 }, -- Doctors of grade 1 to 5
doctorrho = { minGrade = 1, maxGrade = 5 }, -- Doctors of grade 1 to 5
--nurse = {minGrade = 2, maxGrade = 5} -- Nurses of grade 2 to 5
blipSettings = {
blipLabel = "Medical Emergency",
blipSprite = 'blip_ambient_companion', -- Actual sprite name or hash
blipScale = 1.0,
blipColor = 1,
blipDuration = 60000, -- Time in milliseconds
gpsRouteDuration = 30000 -- Time in milliseconds for GPS route

Config.BlipColors = {
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions languages/de_lang.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Locales["de_lang"] = {
you_do_not_have_job = "Du hast nicht den richtigen Job",
cooldown = "Bitte warte ",
Wound = "Meine Wunden: ",

PlayerMenu = 'Gesundheit',
DoctorMenu = 'Doctor-Menü',
quantity = "Menge: ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ Locales["de_lang"] = {
onYourself = ", um mich selbst zu versorgen!",
notBleeding = 'Ich habe keine Blutung!',
patientNotBleeding = 'Mein Patient hat keine Blutung!',

distance = "Distanz: ",
meters = " Meter",
tooFarFromPlayer = "Dein Patient ist zu weit weg",
Expand All @@ -66,8 +64,7 @@ Locales["de_lang"] = {
notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money, you need $",
medicalAssistantTreated = "The doctor treated you and you paid $",
medicalAssistantRevive = "You were revived by the doctor and you paid $",

-- Take Items
medicalReportedMessage = "An urgent medical report has been made! Please intervene.",
TakeItems1 = "Du siehst ja noch erbärmlicher aus, als ich. Aber etwas von deinem Geld will zu mir!",
TakeItems2 = "Oh, schöne Sachen. Na die und dein Geld ist nun mein!",
TakeItems3 = "Heute scheint dein Pechtag zu sein. All deins ist nun meins!",
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions languages/en_lang.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Locales["en_lang"] = {
revived = "You have been revived for ",
notenough = "You do not have enough money!",
doctoractive = "A Doctor is available, /alert instead",
doctoractive2 = "A Doctor is available, use voice instead", ----------- REMOVE
doctoractive2 = "A Doctor is available, alert has been sent",
you_do_not_have_job = "You are missing the job needed",
cooldown = "Please wait ",
doctorBag = "Doctors Bag",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ Locales["en_lang"] = {
notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money, you need $",
medicalAssistantTreated = "The doctor treated you and you paid $",
medicalAssistantRevive = "You were revived by the doctor and you paid $",

-- Take Items
medicalReportedMessage = "An urgent medical report has been made! Please intervene.",
TakeItems1 = "Take nothing!",
TakeItems2 = "Take Items!",
TakeItems3 = "Take All!",
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions languages/fr_lang.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ Locales["fr_lang"] = {
notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money, you need $",
medicalAssistantTreated = "The doctor treated you and you paid $",
medicalAssistantRevive = "You were revived by the doctor and you paid $",

-- Take Items Sorry, not my Language
medicalReportedMessage = "An urgent medical report has been made! Please intervene.",
TakeItems1 = "Take nothing!",
TakeItems2 = "Take Items!",
TakeItems3 = "Take All!",
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions languages/ro_lang.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Locales["ro_lang"] = {
revived = "Ai fost reinviat pentru ",
notenough = "Nu ai bani indeajuns!",
doctoractive = "Un doctor este disponibil, foloseste /alert in loc",
doctoractive2 = "Un doctor este disponibil, foloseste vocea in loc",
doctoractive2 = "Un doctor este disponibil, alerta a fost trimisa",
you_do_not_have_job = "Iti lipseste slujba necesara",
cooldown = "Te rog asteapta ",
doctorBag = "Geanta doctorului",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,10 +64,11 @@ Locales["ro_lang"] = {
notEnoughMoney = "Nu aveti suficienti bani, va trebuie $",
medicalAssistantTreated = "Doctorul te-a tratat si ai platit $",
medicalAssistantRevive = "Te-ai trezit din lesin datorita doctorului si ai platit $",

medicalReportedMessage = "A fost raportata o urgenta medicala! Va rugam sa interveniti.",
-- Take Items Sorry, not my Language
TakeItems1 = "Take nothing!",
TakeItems2 = "Take Items!",
TakeItems3 = "Take All!",
TakeItems4 = "Take Weapons!",

45 changes: 32 additions & 13 deletions locale.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,40 @@
Locales = {}

function _(str, ...) -- Translate string

if Locales[Config.defaultlang] ~= nil then
local translationCache = {} -- Cache for translations

if Locales[Config.defaultlang][str] ~= nil then
return string.format(Locales[Config.defaultlang][str], ...)
return 'Translation [' .. Config.defaultlang .. '][' .. str .. '] does not exist'
function _(str, ...) -- Translate string
-- Check cache first
if translationCache[str] then
return string.format(translationCache[str], ...)

return 'Locale [' .. Config.defaultlang .. '] does not exist'
local lang = Config.defaultlang
local defaultLang = "en_lang" -- Set your fallback language here (e.g., 'en')

if Locales[lang] ~= nil then
if Locales[lang][str] ~= nil then
translationCache[str] = Locales[lang][str] -- Cache the translation for faster future access
if ... then
return string.format(Locales[lang][str], ...)
return Locales[lang][str]
elseif Locales[defaultLang] ~= nil and Locales[defaultLang][str] ~= nil then
if ... then
return string.format(Locales[defaultLang][str], ...)
return Locales[defaultLang][str]
return 'Translation [' .. lang .. '][' .. str .. '] and fallback [' .. defaultLang .. '] do not exist'
return 'Locale [' .. lang .. '] does not exist'

function _U(str, ...) -- Translate string first char uppercase
return tostring(_(str, ...):gsub("^%l", string.upper))
-- Use cached translation if available
local translation = _(str, ...)
return translation:sub(1, 1):upper() .. translation:sub(2)
86 changes: 85 additions & 1 deletion server/server.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
local VORPcore = exports.vorp_core:GetCore()

-- Helper function for debugging in DevMode
if Config.devMode then
function devPrint(message)
print("^1[DEV MODE] ^4" .. message)
function devPrint(message) end -- No-op if DevMode is disabled

local StaffTable = {}
local TempHealed = {}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +63,7 @@ RegisterNetEvent('bcc-medical:AlertJobs', function()
local user = VORPcore.getUser(src)
if not user then return end
local docs = 0
local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(src))
if Config.synsociety then
if CheckPlayer(StaffTable, MedicJobs[1]) or CheckPlayer(StaffTable, MedicJobs[2]) then
VORPcore.NotifyRightTip(src, _U('doctoractive'), 4000)
Expand All @@ -74,7 +84,9 @@ RegisterNetEvent('bcc-medical:AlertJobs', function()
TriggerClientEvent('bcc-medical:CallNpcDoctor', src)
VORPcore.NotifyRightTip(src, _U('doctoractive2'), 4000)
--VORPcore.NotifyRightTip(src, _U('doctoractive'), 4000) -- Send /alert... needs to be added
if Config.Alerts then
AlertJob("medicalEmergency", _U('medicalReportedMessage'), { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z })

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,3 +509,75 @@ function printTable(t)
sub_printTable(t, " ")

function CheckAlertJob(src, alertType)
local user = VORPcore.getUser(src)
if not user then
devPrint("No user found for source " .. tostring(src))
return false

local character = user.getUsedCharacter
if not character then
devPrint("No character data available for source " .. tostring(src))
return false

local alertConfig = Config.alertPermissions[alertType]
if not alertConfig then
devPrint("No alert configuration found for alert type: " .. tostring(alertType))
return false

if not character.job or not character.jobGrade then
devPrint("Job or job grade data missing for source: " .. tostring(src))
return false

-- Check job eligibility and grade within the allowed range
local jobConfig = alertConfig.allowedJobs[character.job]
if jobConfig then
local jobGrade = tonumber(character.jobGrade)
if jobGrade >= jobConfig.minGrade and jobGrade <= jobConfig.maxGrade then
return true
devPrint("User does not meet job grade requirements for alert type: " ..
tostring(alertType) .. " with job: " .. character.job .. " at grade: " .. character.jobGrade)
return false
devPrint("Job " .. tostring(character.job) .. " not permitted for alert type: " .. tostring(alertType))
return false

-- Server-side function to alert users about specific events and include location data
function AlertJob(alertType, message, coords)
local alertConfig = Config.alertPermissions[alertType]
if not alertConfig then
devPrint("Alert configuration missing for type: " .. alertType)

local users = VORPcore.getUsers()
for _, user in pairs(users) do
if user and CheckAlertJob(user.source, alertType) then
TriggerClientEvent('bcc-medical:notify', user.source, {
message = message,
notificationType = "alert",
x = coords.x,
y = coords.y,
z = coords.z,
blipSprite = alertConfig.blipSettings.blipSprite,
blipScale = alertConfig.blipSettings.blipScale,
blipColor = alertConfig.blipSettings.blipColor,
blipLabel = alertConfig.blipSettings.blipLabel,
blipDuration = alertConfig.blipSettings.blipDuration,
gpsRouteDuration = alertConfig.blipSettings.gpsRouteDuration, --- Newly added
useGpsRoute = true
devPrint("User does not match job requirements for " .. alertType .. ": " .. user.source)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion version
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
See GitHub for details!

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