Pytolemaic package analyzes your model and dataset and measure their quality.
The package supports classification/regression models built for tabular datasets (e.g. sklearn's regressors/classifiers), but will also support custom made models as long as they implement sklearn's API.
The package is aimed for personal use and comes with no guarantees. I hope you will find it useful. I will appreciate any feedback you have.
pip install pytolemaic
from pytolemaic import PyTrust
pytrust = PyTrust(model=estimator,
xtrain=xtrain, ytrain=ytrain,
xtest=xtest, ytest=ytest)
# run all analysis and print insights:,
insights = pytrust.insights()
# run analysis and plot graphs
The package contains the following functionalities:
- Dataset Analysis: Analysis aimed to detect issues in the dataset.
- Sensitivity Analysis: Calculation of feature importance for given model, either via sensitivity to feature value or sensitivity to missing values.
- Vulnerability report: Based on the feature sensitivity we measure model's vulnerability in respect to imputation, leakage, and # of features.
- Scoring report: Report model's score on test data with confidence interval.
- separation quality: Measure whether train and test data comes from the same distribution.
- Overall quality: Provides overall quality measures
- Prediction uncertainty: Provides an uncertainty measure for given model's prediction.
- Lime explanation: Provides Lime explanation for sample of interest.
Get started by calling help() function (Recommended!):
from pytolemaic import help
supported_keys = help()
# or
help(key='basic usage')
Example for performing all available analysis with PyTrust:
from pytolemaic import PyTrust
pytrust = PyTrust(
xtrain=xtrain, ytrain=ytrain,
xtest=xtest, ytest=ytest)
# run all analysis and get a list of distilled insights",
insights = pytrust.insights()
# run all analysis and plot all graphs
# print all data gathered
import pprint
In case of need to access only specific analysis (usually to save time)
# dataset analysis report
dataset_analysis_report = pytrust.dataset_analysis_report
# feature sensitivity report
sensitivity_report = pytrust.sensitivity_report
# model's performance report
scoring_report = pytrust.scoring_report
# overall model's quality report
quality_report = pytrust.quality_report
# with any of the above reports
report = <desired report>
report.plot() # plot graphs
pprint(report.to_dict(printable=True)) # export report as a dictionary
pprint(report.to_dict_meaning()) # print documentation for above dictionary
Analysis of predictions
# estimate uncertainty of a prediction
uncertainty_model = pytrust.create_uncertainty_model()
# explain a prediction with Lime
create_lime_explainer = pytrust.create_lime_explainer()
Examples on toy dataset can be found in /examples/toy_examples/ Examples on 'real-life' datasets can be found in /examples/interesting_examples/
- The sensitivity of each feature ([0,1], normalized to sum of 1):
'sensitivity_report': {
'method': 'shuffled',
'sensitivities': {
'age': 0.12395,
'capital-gain': 0.06725,
'capital-loss': 0.02465,
'education': 0.05769,
'education-num': 0.13765,
- Simple statistics on the feature sensitivity:
'shuffle_stats_report': {
'n_features': 14,
'n_low': 1,
'n_zero': 0
Naive vulnerability scores ([0,1], lower is better):
- Imputation: sensitivity of the model to missing values.
- Leakge: chance of the model to have leaking features.
- Too many features: Whether the model is based on too many features.
'vulnerability_report': {
'imputation': 0.35,
'leakage': 0,
'too_many_features': 0.14
For given metric, the score and confidence intervals (CI) is calculated
'recall': {
'ci_high': 0.763,
'ci_low': 0.758,
'ci_ratio': 0.023,
'metric': 'recall',
'value': 0.760,
'auc': {
'ci_high': 0.909,
'ci_low': 0.907,
'ci_ratio': 0.022,
'metric': 'auc',
'value': 0.907
Additionally, score quality measures the quality of the score based on the separability (auc score) between train and test sets.
Value of 1 means test set has same distribution as train set. Value of 0 means test set has fundamentally different distribution.
'separation_quality': 0.00611
Combining the above measures into a single number we provide the overall quality of the model/dataset.
Higher quality value ([0,1]) means better dataset/model.
quality_report : {
'model_quality_report': {
'model_loss': 0.24,
'model_quality': 0.41,
'vulnerability_report': {...}},
'test_quality_report': {
'ci_ratio': 0.023,
'separation_quality': 0.006,
'test_set_quality': 0},
'train_quality_report': {
'train_set_quality': 0.85,
'vulnerability_report': {...}}
The module can be used to yield uncertainty measure for predictions.
uncertainty_model = pytrust.create_uncertainty_model(method='confidence')
predictions = uncertainty_model.predict(x_pred) # same as model.predict(x_pred)
uncertainty = uncertainty_model.uncertainty(x_pred)
The module can be used to produce lime explanations for sample of interest.
explainer = pytrust.create_lime_explainer()
explainer.explain(sample) # returns a dictionary
explainer.plot(sample) # produce a graphical explanation