MortalNote is an Evernote clone that implements pixel perfect replication and identical, albeit limited, functionality.
MortalNote is the creation of Benji Rothman.
You can access the site at
MortalNote implements ReactQuill, a React Component that wraps around the popular Quill.js library. This allows for Rich Text Editing in all of the user's notes.
I utilized the omniauth-google-oauth2 gem to allow users to sign up and login with Google. I secured my Google API Key with the master.key and credentials.yml.enc design pattern built into Rails.
MortalNote features modals for CRUD actions -- specifically CREATE -- with notebooks and notes to enhance user experience. I also mapped a DELETE action to a trashcan icon to allow users to intuitively delete notes.
MortalNote implements CSS Grid technology to enhance the web application's responsiveness. This allows MortalNote to be a more responsive webpage than Evernote.
The Searchbar currently hits the database on each keystroke to fetch all the user's notes and notebooks. I will refactor the application to store all notes and notebooks in a search slice of state. This will remove the need to talk to the database. This allows users to live-filter results by note content and title without firing off queries to the database.
React Quill provides a built-in mechanism for uploading and storing images. I will learn this specific API and implment image uploading in MortalNote.
I want to provide a tiny icon that allows a note to become full-screen, which removes the note-index-items and the sidebar. Clicking the icon again exits full-screen.
I will add code snippets under the key feature sections.
Click 'Sign Up'.
Enter your email and password, or continue with Google.
You're in!
Replace your first note's title with a title of your choice.
Hit enter and add text to your note's body.
Watch as the application autosaves your changes every three seconds.
Create a New Note with the Add Note Button
View your Notebooks by visiting /notebooks or by clicking on the Notebooks button on the sidebar.
Create a New Notebook with the Add Notebook Button
Click on the Newly Created Notebook to automatically generate your first note in that notebook.
This software uses code from several open source packages, including the following: