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BrightID Node v6 Changelog

Mohsen Khan-mohammad-zadeh edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

This document explains the new features and updates in the BrightID Node API v6.

Blind signatures

There used to be a potential privacy concern when a BrightID node operator had access to the mapping of contextIds to brightids of users. By using blind signatures there is no linkage between brightids and contextIds on nodes anymore, although users identified by an appId can still be verified as unique.


In this new approach, clients generate a unique id per app, blind it and send it to the node to be signed. Nodes check if they did not sign a request for this user for this app before, sign the blinded id and deliver the signature to the client.

To enable apps that can not verify blind signatures (like Ethereum smart contracts) to use this new approach, and keep the app integration routine as simple as before, apps generate and share another id called appIds via deep links with clients just like before and clients put these app-generated appIds with the blind signatures they got before to the node, nodes verify the signatures without knowing which brightid they belong to, and enable apps to query verification by their own generated appId.

Partially blind WI-Schnorr signature scheme is used to implement this new app integration approach as follow:

1st step

As soon as users achieve apps' required verifications, the client automatically gets the public part of WI-Schnorr params by sending JSON representation of {app, roundedTimestamp, verification} as info to the node by calling GET /verifications/blinded/public.

Query parameter R / O Description Data type
app Required unique app id string
roundedTimestamp Required timestamp that is rounded to app's required precision or zero integer
verification Required verification expression string
Response item Description Data type
public public part of WI-Schnorr params that should be used to generate challenge string

Applications may have an expiration period to enforce users to renew their verification by getting new blind signatures in each period. roundedTimestamp is the current timestamp that is rounded to the app's required precision and added to the info to enable clients to get a new signature in each period.

2nd step

When the client gets the public part of WI-Schnorr (response of step 1), it creates a challenge and queries GET /verifications/blinded/sig/{id} to get the blinded form of signature which will be used by the client to generate the final unblinded signature.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
id Required the brightid of the user requesting the verification string
Query parameter R / O Description Data type
public Required public part of WI-Schnorr params string
sig Required representation of {id, public} signed by the user integer
e Required the e part of WI-Schnorr challenge generated by client string
Response item Description Data type
response WI-Schnorr server response that will be used by the client to generate final signature string

3rd step

When a user wants to use an app, the app generates and shares an appId with the client. The client asks the node to link the client-generated uid in the past with the app-generated appId using the POST /verifications/{app}/{appId} endpoint.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
app Required the app that user is verified for string
appId Required the id of the user within the app string
Body parameter R / O Description Data type
sig Required unblinded sig object
verification Required verification required for using the app string
roundedTimestamp Required timestamp that is rounded to app's required precision or zero integer
uid Required uid generated by the client per app per expiration period string

There is no linkage between the brightid and the uid because the node singed blinded representation of the uid in the previous step. So linking appId with uid in this step will not reveal the brightid of the verified user for the node operator.

4th step

Apps can use GET /verifications/{app}/{appId} to query all signed verifications for the user using app-generated appId as the identifier from the node.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
app Required the app that user is verified for string
appId Required the id of the user within the app string
Query parameter R / O Description Data type
signed Required the value will be eth or nacl to indicate the type of signature returned string
timestamp Required request a timestamp of the specified format to be added to the response integer

In v6 apps can define multiple verifications that they want and querying this endpoint returns a list of signed verification objects with the following pattern:

Response item Description Data type
unique true if user is unique under given app boolean
app unique id of the app string
appId the id of the user within the app string
verification verification expression string
verificationHash sha256 of the verification expression string
timestamp timestamp of the verification if a timestamp was requested string
sig verification message signed by the node string
publicKey the node's public key string


In this new approach, clients generate a message with the brightid, blind and share it with the apps to be signed. Apps sign the blinded message and send it to the clients to sponsor users. Clients unblind the signature and send the Sponsor operation with unblinded apps' signature.

Chaum's blind signature scheme is used to implement this new approach as follow:

Property Description
id the brightid of the user that is being sponsored
app the app name that the user is being sponsored by
sig unblinded signature of Chaum's blind signature schema using deterministic json representation of {name: 'Sponsor', id, app, timestamp, v: 6} as message

Family groups

Family groups are introduced in version 6 as a new type of group.

Each user is allowed to be a member of at most one family group and be the head of some other family groups. Only parents and siblings can be members of the family group. Users can join a family group only if they have "already known" or stronger connection levels with all current members of the group. Outside users which have "already known" or stronger connection level with all members of a family group can vouch for the family group. These users get notifications on their clients to vouch for groups they already know all of their members after the head set.

Vouches to the family groups can be considered as a strong connection from vouchers to all of the group members. This type of connection is one-way, trust flows from the outside person to the members of the family group.

The concept of a "Family Group" can help to solve the small-scale Sybil attack problem. small-scale Sybil attacks become much less likely as long as honest users understand the rules of family groups.

Creating family groups

Users can create a family group using the Add Group operation and setting family as type.

Set the family head

Admins can set/change the head of the family groups using the Set Family Head operation.

Property Description
id the brightid of one of the current admins of the group
head the brightid of the member who will be the new head
group the unique id of the family group
sig representation of operation object signed by admin represented by id

Convert general groups to family groups

Admins can convert general groups to family groups using the Convert To Family operation.

Property Description
id the brightid of one of the current admins of the group
head the brightid of the member who will be the head
group the unique id of the group
sig representation of operation object signed by admin represented by id

Vouch for a family group

Eligible users can vouch for a family group using the Vouch Family operation.

Property Description
id the brightid of the user who is vouching for the family group
group the unique id of the group
sig representation of operation object signed by the head user represented by id

Query family groups to vouch for

Clients can use GET /users/{id}/familiesToVouch to get a list of family groups that users can vouch for and notify them to evaluate the groups and vouch for them.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
id Required the brightid of the user string
Response item Description Data type
families list of family groups which the user can vouch for array

Founding groups by a single user

In version 6, users can create groups independently and groups do not need to have 3 founders. The creator of the group should be able to invite as many users as he/she wishes to the group after choosing the group name, photo, and type in the early founding stage. Based on this update, id2, id3, inviteData2 and inviteData3 properties are removed from Add Group operation.

Property Description
group the unique id of the group
id brightid of the first founder
url the URL that group data (profile image and name) encrypted by group AES key can be fetched from
type type of the group
sig representation of operation object signed by the creator of the group represented by id1

Querying users' information

The GET /users/{id} is deprecated and independent sub-endpoints are added to query different information about users.


Group memberships of a user can not be accessed from the groups property of the old general endpoint anymore and clients should query GET /users/{id}/memberships to get this information.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
id Required the brightid of the user string

The response is an array of memberships with the following properties:

membership property Description Data type
id the id of the group array
timestamp the timestamp when user joined the group array


Invites of a user can be queried using GET /users/{id}/invites.

Path parameter R / O Description Data type
id Required the brightid of the user string

The response is a list of invites with the following properties:

invites property Description Data type
inviter brightid of the admin of the group string
invitee brightid of the user who is invited to the group string
group the unique id of the group that invitee is being invited to string
data the group AES key encrypted for signingKey of the invitee string
sig epresentation of operation object signed by the inviter string


reportReason is added to the connection objects in response of GET /users/{id}/connections/{direction}.


In version 6, the response of querying GET /users/{id}/profile/{requestor} is changed.

  • reports are changed and have the following properties:

    report property Description
    id brightid of the reporter
    reason the reason for reporting (spammer, fake, duplicate, deceased, replaced, other)
  • sponsored is added to the response to show if a user is sponsored.

  • recoveryConnections is added to the response with the following properties:

    recoveryConnection property Description
    id brightid of recovery connection
    isActive true if recovery connection active now
    activeAfter milliseconds until activation
    activeBefore milliseconds until inactivation

    Adding recovery connections to this endpoint enables clients to show the list of recovery connections of users' connections in the profile screen of each connection beside mutual connections and groups. This enables users to ask their friends who are recovery connections of them when they forget that. Also adding activeAfter and activeBefore properties enables clients to show when a recovery connection will be activated or become inactive. Clients can use this endpoint to show the list of recovery connections either for users themselves or for their connections.

Querying groups' information

In version 6, the response object of querying GET /groups/{id} is changed. eligibles, founders and isNew properties are deprecated and removed. invites also changed to have the following properties:

invite property Description
id unique identifier of invite
group unique identifier of the group that invitee is invited to
inviter brightid of inviter
invitee brightid of invitee
timestamp timestamp when the user was invited
data encrypted version of the AES key that group name and photo uploaded to url encrypted with' + 'invitee should first decrypt this data with his/her signingKey and then fetch data in url and decrypt that using the AES key'

Querying apps' information

In version 6, the following properties are added to the response object of GET /apps/{app} and GET /apps:

  • verifications is a list of verifications that apps use.
  • idsAsHex is true if app ids are in Ethereum address format.
  • usingBlindSig is true if the app is using blind signatures.
  • verificationExpirationLength is the apps' verification expiration length in milliseconds.
  • sponsorPublicKey is the public part of the key pair that the app uses to sign sponsor requests.
  • nodeUrl is the URL of the node that the app uses to query verification from.

Other deprecated operations

  • Add Connection is deprecated and Connect can be used instead.
  • Remove Connection is deprecated and Connect can be used with reported level instead.
  • Set Trusted Connections is deprecated and Connect can be used with recovery level instead.
  • Set Signing Key is renamed to Social Recovery.
  • Link ContextId is deprecated.

Other deprecated endpoints

  • GET /verifications/{app} is deprecated.
  • PUT /testblocks/{app}/{action}/{contextId} is deprecated.
  • DELETE /testblocks/{app}/{action}/{contextId} is deprecated.
  • GET /contexts/{context}/dump is deprecated.
  • GET /ip is deprecated.