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WiSER stands for within-subject variance estimation by robust regression. It is a regression aproach for estimating the effects of predictors on the within-subject variation in a longitudinal setting.
WiSER.jl requires Julia v1.0 or later. See documentation for usage. I This package is registered in the default Julia package registry, and can be installed through standard package installation procedure: e.g., running the following code in Julia REPL.
using Pkg
pkg"add WiSER"
The methods and applications of this software package are detailed in the following publication:
German CA, Sinsheimer JS, Zhou JJ., and Zhou H. (2021) WiSER: Robust and scalable estimation and inference of within-subject variances from intensive longitudinal data. Biometrics, in press.
If you use OpenMendel analysis packages in your research, please cite the following reference in the resulting publications:
Zhou H, Sinsheimer JS, Bates DM, Chu BB, German CA, Ji SS, Keys KL, Kim J, Ko S, Mosher GD, Papp JC, Sobel EM, Zhai J, Zhou JJ, Lange K. (2020) OPENMENDEL: a cooperative programming project for statistical genetics. Hum Genetics, 139(1):61-71. PMCID: PMC6763373