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Braincoke edited this page Aug 5, 2015 · 1 revision

You can build the project using Ant. To build the project and generate the executable .jar you need to have Ant Apache installed.

The build.xml and files are already in the source code. First you need to modify the file to set up the path to the jdk. You need to modify the line JAVA_HOME and make it point to your jdk directory.

Then you can open a terminal and place yourself in the root directory (the directory containing the file build.xml) and type ant in the terminal.

A folder named build should be produced:

+ build
    | + classes
    | + dist
         | + lib
         |-- FSDiff.jar

The classes folder contains the compiled .class files as well as the .css and .fxml. The dist folder contains the distribution of the software.

Using the distribution files

To correctly use the FSDiff.jar you need to have the lib folder placed in the same directory. FSDiff depends on certain libraries and it must have access to these when starting and executing. It will look in its parent directory for a folder named lib and get the libraries from there.