EEG classification of imagined hand movements. BUAA三系模式识别与机器学习大作业
graph TB
A(Raw data) --n_channel x n_points--> B[which network]
B--> C(Preprocess)
C --n_channel x height x width--> D(ResConv)
D --3 x 1--> E(output)
B--> F(Preprocess)
F --n_points x 9 x 9--> J(ConvLSTM)
J --3 x 1--> E(output)
Dataset EEG Motor Movement/Imagery Dataset is used here.
To import data into python, we will use functions of the MNE package. MNE is an open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data.
EEG data can be considered in 3 different types: raw data, epoched data and evoked (averaged) data.
- Raw Data: Continuous data is stored as a raw object in MNE. Data in a raw object are considered as a 2D array with dimensions of channels×time.
- Epoched Data: This consists of time-locked trials. Data are a 3D array of events×channels×times.
- Average Event Related Potentials: This is the result of averaging epoched data over trials. The output is time-locked to an external event, and it is stored as a 2D array of channels×times.
For more information, please refer to the MNE document.
The raw data is proprocessed and turned into different forms according to what neural network is applied.
- For ResCNN, the data shape is:
n_channel x height x width
- For ConvLSTM, the data shape is:
n_points x 9 x 9
For the detail in preprocess, please refer to the notebook.
First download the dataset by running the following script (it is from this repo):
cd ./data/edf/
Then, preprocess the data
cd ../..
train the networks
# during training you can visulize by tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir ResCNN_tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir ConvLSTM_tensorboard
you can draw the confusion matrix and get the values of precision, recall and f1 score by this script:
cd utils
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The code of ConvLSTM refers to this repo