Basado en el libro de Santiago Palladino. Tenemos el privilegio de contar con Santiago como advisor de y estará como invitado en algunas sesiones live para nuestra comunidad. Recomendamos enormemente la lectura del libro y agradecemos cualquier contribución al repositorio del código que acompaña al texto.
- Introducir la arquitectura y realizar un análisis full stack de una Dapp.
- Realizar un proyecto en equipo donde se investigue sobre un tópico avanzado y se implemente un prototipo
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Table of Contents
- Hash Functions
- Public Key Cryptography
- Transactions and Blocks
- From Bitcoin to Ethereum
- Decentralized Applications
- Advantages and Use Cases
- Limitations
- Non-public Blockchains
- Our Requirements
- The Smart Contract
- The Architecture
- Setting Up the Environment
- Compiling the Smart Contract
- Connecting to the Network Via Web3
- The Contract Interface
- Wiring Our Component
- Querying the Contract’s State
- Sending a Transaction
- Monitoring Updates Via Events
- Deploying the Application
- External Accounts vs. Smart Contracts
- Code and State
- Gas Usage
- Transactions
- Calls
- Remix
- Your First Solidity Contract
- What’s in a Function?
- Value Data Types
- Reference Types
- Emitting Events
- Imports, Inheritance, and Libraries
- Application Binary Interface
- EIPs and ERCs ERC20
- Tokens ERC721 Non-fungible Tokens
- About Full and Light Nodes
- The JSON-RPC Interface
- The Provider Object
- Choosing the Right Connection
- Network Information
- Account Balances and Code
- Calling into a Contract
- Polling for New Blocks
- Installing Event Filters
- Creating Subscriptions
- Setup
- Building the Application
- Displaying Transfer Events
- Development Nodes
- Creating Contracts
- Managing Accounts
- Transaction Parameters
- Lifecycle of a Transaction
- Replacing a Transaction
- Error Handling
- Setup
- The Application
- Main ERC721 Component
- Tracking ERC20 Token Holders
- Handling Chain Reorganizations
- Unit Testing
- A Note on Centralization
- Off-chain Storage
- Interplanetary Storage
- Sending Funds from an Exchange
- Single-use Addresses
- Creating and Using a Local Wallet
- Encrypted Keystores
- Mnemonics
- Identities as Smart Contracts
- Sample Implementation
- Deploying a Smart Account (Take One)
- Upgrading User Accounts
- Signatures in Ethereum
- Introducing Meta Transactions
- Relayers and Rewards
- Native Meta Transactions
- Revisiting Smart Accounts Deployment
- A DNS for Ethereum
- Names Resolution
- Giving Names to Our Users
- Unidirectional Payment Channels
- Bidirectional Payment Channels
- State Channels
- Channel Networks
- Proof of Authority
- Plasma Chains