A BLE SDK of Aerobic(S02).
SDK provides these major functions blow:
- Scan and Connect Aerobic Core.
- Query Aerobic info, e.g. Battery/Name/SN Code/FirmwareVersion/HardwareVersion etc..
- Rename the Core.
- Start/Stop Online Monitor Heart rate and Breath rate.
- Start/Stop/Sync Offline Monitor Heart rate and Breath rate.
- Firmware upgrade.
- Boost loader upgrade.
- Auto-Reconnect Aerobic Core.
For cocoapods 1.7.0+:
Add Codes in Podfile at Top Of File:
source 'https://github.com/BodyPlusTechnology/BPBLESDK-S02-iOS.git'
And then add reference codes below:
pod 'BPBLESDK-S02-iOS'
For cocodpods version less than 1.7.0:
Add Codes in Podfile to use latest version:
pod 'BPBLESDK-S02-iOS', :git => 'https://github.com/BodyPlusTechnology/BPBLESDK-S02-iOS.git'
In BPBLEManagerS02.h
Scan All S02 devices.
@param interval The time interval(Second) between twice updateHandler, recommend 2.0.
@param sortByRSSI If sort discovered devices by RSSI in updateHandler
@param updateHandler the callback block, contains all discovered deivces.
- (void)scanAllDeviceS02WithUpdateInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval
updateHandler:(void (^)(NSArray <BPBLEBaseDevice *> *devices))updateHandler;
Scan and connect device with the SN.
@param deviceSN deviceSN
@param timeout timeout(Seconds), recommend 15.0
@param successHandler Connect successful will trigger this callback
@param failureHandler Timeout in this process will trigger this callback
- (void)scanAndConnectDeviceS02WithSN:(NSString *)deviceSN
During scan and connect process, using this method to cancel reconnect.
- (void)cancelReconnecting;
Connect device, it will trigger the delegate method.
@param device The device discover in scan callback handler.
- (void)connectDevice:(BPBLEBaseDevice *)device
Stop scanning devices.
- (void)stopScanning;
Disconnect current connected devices.
- (void)disconnectCurrentDevice;
Device Firmware Upgrade - DFU
- (void)scanAndConnectDFUDeviceWithSN:(NSString *)deviceSN
Auto upgrade device boostloader and firmware, all of the params must be nonull.
@param device A device type of BPBaseDevice.
@param config Can use [BPS02DFUConfig defaultConfig].
@param stateChangedHandler The state in upgrade processing flow.
@param progressHandler progress callback.
@param successHandler Upgrade finish callback.
@param failureHandler ErrorCode, 1-device or config is nil/2-pacakge not found/3-unzip error/4-package content missing
- (void)startUpgradeWithDevice:(BPBLEDeviceS02 *)device
config:(BPS02DFUConfig *)config
stateChangedHandler:(void(^)(UpgradeState state))stateChangedHandler
progressHandler:(void(^)(CGFloat progress))progressHandler
successHandler:(void(^)(BPBLEDeviceS02 *reconnectedDevice))successHandler
failureHandler:(void(^)(NSInteger errorCode, NSString *msg))failureHandler;
In BPBLEDeviceS02.h
Start monitoring
- (void)startMonitorHRBR;
Stop monitoring
- (void)stopMonitorHRBR;
- (void)queryHardwareVersionWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess, NSInteger version))completion;
- (void)queryFirmwareVersionWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess, NSInteger version))completion;
- (void)queryBoostloaderVersionWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess, NSInteger version))completion;
Get core's current mode, in the callback block can read property isMonitoringHRBR/isOfflineMode.
@param completion callback block
- (void)queryCoreModeWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess, CoreS02MonitorMode mode))completion;
* Sync core's time with your phone.
- (void)syncTimeWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess))completion;
- (void)renameWithName:(NSString *)name completion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess))completion;
Start offline monitoring
- (void)startOfflineMonitoring;
Stop offline monitoring
- (void)stopOfflineMonitoring;
Query Offline Datas Num.
@param completion callback block
- (void)queryOfflineDataNumWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSInteger totalLength, NSInteger dataNum))completion;
* Query if has offline datas, respond timestamp/length
- (void)queryOfflineDataInfoWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSInteger timestamp, NSInteger length))completion;
Sync offline datas, when finish synchronizing process, core won't delete the datas, you should call <eraseAllOfflineDataWithCompletion:> after sync offline datas to erase.
- (void)syncOfflineDataWithProgressHandler:(void (^)(CGFloat progress))progressHandler
finishHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger timestamp, NSArray <NSNumber *> *hrDatas, NSArray <NSNumber *> *brDatas))finishHandler;
* Erase all offline Data. Before do this, pls make sure your datas have been archiving successful.
- (void)eraseAllOfflineDataWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL bSuccess))completion;
See Details in Demo.