This repo is dedicated to building Skia binaries for use in Skiko.
Prebuilt binaries can be found in releases.
Update version
in .github/workflows/build.yml.
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Release
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Release
To build a debug build:
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Debug
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Debug
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Release --target macos --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Release --target macos --machine arm64
To build a debug build:
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Debug --target macos --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Debug --target macos --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Release --target ios --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Release --target ios --machine arm64
To build a debug build:
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Debug --target ios --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Debug --target ios --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Release --target iosSim --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Release --target iosSim --machine arm64
To build a debug build:
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5
python3 script/ --build-type Debug --target iosSim --machine arm64
python3 script/ --version m105-f204b137b9-5 --build-type Debug --target iosSim --machine arm64