This is the first draft of this README. It's not done. Build instructions coming soon.
This version of the plugin is probably stable, but use at your own risk.
- /who
- /time
- /tell
- /teleport
- /summon
- /spawn
- /online
- /give
- /getpos
- /compass
- /clear
- /take
- /heal
- /mobspawn (not implemented yet)
- /general reload|help|motd
Available Permissions nodes:
- general.time
- general.time.set
- general.teleport
- general.teleport.other (to teleport one player to another where neither is you)
- general.teleport.coords (to teleport to specific locations)
- general.teleport.other.mass (to teleport many people at once)
- general.playerlist
- general.who
- general.give
- general.give.infinite
- (to restrict certain items)
- general.spawn
- general.spawn.set
- general.spawn.other (to teleport someone other than yourself to the spawn point)
- general.getpos (this also controls access to /compass and /where)
- general.getpos.other
- general.tell
- general.clear
- general.clear.other
- general.take
- general.take.other
- general.heal
- general.mspawn
- general.admin (allows access to /general administrative commands)