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refactor(abstract-utxo): move signTransaction to its own file
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Issue: BTC-1450
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OttoAllmendinger committed Dec 13, 2024
1 parent 345584c commit e705144
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Showing 5 changed files with 196 additions and 145 deletions.
148 changes: 5 additions & 143 deletions modules/abstract-utxo/src/abstractUtxoCoin.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ import assert from 'assert';
import { randomBytes } from 'crypto';
import _ from 'lodash';
import * as utxolib from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';
import { bip32, BIP32Interface, bitgo, getMainnet, isMainnet, isTestnet } from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';
import debugLib from 'debug';
import { bip32, bitgo, getMainnet, isMainnet, isTestnet } from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';

import {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ import {
} from '@bitgo/sdk-core';
import { isReplayProtectionUnspent } from './replayProtection';
import { signAndVerifyPsbt, signAndVerifyWalletTransaction } from './sign';
import { supportedCrossChainRecoveries } from './config';
import {
Expand All @@ -77,11 +75,10 @@ import { getChainFromNetwork, getFamilyFromNetwork, getFullNameFromNetwork } fro
import { CustomChangeOptions } from './transaction/fixedScript';
import { NamedKeychains, toBip32Triple } from './keychains';

const debug = debugLib('bitgo:v2:utxo');

import ScriptType2Of3 = utxolib.bitgo.outputScripts.ScriptType2Of3;
import { verifyKeySignature, verifyUserPublicKey } from './verifyKey';
import { getPolicyForEnv } from './descriptor/validatePolicy';
import { signTransaction } from './transaction/signTransaction';

type UtxoCustomSigningFunction<TNumber extends number | bigint> = {
(params: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,11 +109,11 @@ const { getExternalChainCode, isChainCode, scriptTypeForChain, outputScripts } =

type Unspent<TNumber extends number | bigint = number> = bitgo.Unspent<TNumber>;

type DecodedTransaction<TNumber extends number | bigint> =
export type DecodedTransaction<TNumber extends number | bigint> =
| utxolib.bitgo.UtxoTransaction<TNumber>
| utxolib.bitgo.UtxoPsbt;

type RootWalletKeys = bitgo.RootWalletKeys;
export type RootWalletKeys = bitgo.RootWalletKeys;

export type UtxoCoinSpecific = AddressCoinSpecific | DescriptorAddressCoinSpecific;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,16 +373,6 @@ export abstract class AbstractUtxoCoin extends BaseCoin {
this._network = network;

* Key Value: Unsigned tx id => PSBT
* It is used to cache PSBTs with taproot key path (MuSig2) inputs during external express signer is activated.
* Reason: MuSig2 signer secure nonce is cached in the UtxoPsbt object. It will be required during the signing step.
* For more info, check SignTransactionOptions.signingStep
* TODO BTC-276: This cache may need to be done with LRU like memory safe caching if memory issues comes up.
private static readonly PSBT_CACHE = new Map<string, utxolib.bitgo.UtxoPsbt>();

get network() {
return this._network;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,132 +836,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractUtxoCoin extends BaseCoin {
async signTransaction<TNumber extends number | bigint = number>(
params: SignTransactionOptions<TNumber>
): Promise<SignedTransaction | HalfSignedUtxoTransaction> {
const txPrebuild = params.txPrebuild;

if (_.isUndefined(txPrebuild) || !_.isObject(txPrebuild)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(txPrebuild) && !_.isObject(txPrebuild)) {
throw new Error(`txPrebuild must be an object, got type ${typeof txPrebuild}`);
throw new Error('missing txPrebuild parameter');

let tx = this.decodeTransactionFromPrebuild(params.txPrebuild);

const isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput = tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt && bitgo.isTransactionWithKeyPathSpendInput(tx);

let isLastSignature = false;
if (_.isBoolean(params.isLastSignature)) {
// We can only be the first signature on a transaction with taproot key path spend inputs because
// we require the secret nonce in the cache of the first signer, which is impossible to retrieve if
// deserialized from a hex.
if (params.isLastSignature && isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput) {
throw new Error('Cannot be last signature on a transaction with key path spend inputs');

// if build is called instead of buildIncomplete, no signature placeholders are left in the sig script
isLastSignature = params.isLastSignature;

const getSignerKeychain = (): utxolib.BIP32Interface => {
const userPrv = params.prv;
if (_.isUndefined(userPrv) || !_.isString(userPrv)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(userPrv)) {
throw new Error(`prv must be a string, got type ${typeof userPrv}`);
throw new Error('missing prv parameter to sign transaction');
const signerKeychain = bip32.fromBase58(userPrv, utxolib.networks.bitcoin);
if (signerKeychain.isNeutered()) {
throw new Error('expected user private key but received public key');
debug(`Here is the public key of the xprv you used to sign: ${signerKeychain.neutered().toBase58()}`);
return signerKeychain;

const setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride = (
psbt: utxolib.bitgo.UtxoPsbt,
signerKeychain: utxolib.BIP32Interface,
nonSegwitOverride: boolean
) => {
utxolib.bitgo.withUnsafeNonSegwit(psbt, () => psbt.setAllInputsMusig2NonceHD(signerKeychain), nonSegwitOverride);

let signerKeychain: utxolib.BIP32Interface | undefined;

if (tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt && isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput) {
switch (params.signingStep) {
case 'signerNonce':
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();
setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride(tx, signerKeychain, !!params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx);
AbstractUtxoCoin.PSBT_CACHE.set(tx.getUnsignedTx().getId(), tx);
return { txHex: tx.toHex() };
case 'cosignerNonce':
assert(txPrebuild.walletId, 'walletId is required for MuSig2 bitgo nonce');
return { txHex: (await this.signPsbt(tx.toHex(), txPrebuild.walletId)).psbt };
case 'signerSignature':
const txId = tx.getUnsignedTx().getId();
const psbt = AbstractUtxoCoin.PSBT_CACHE.get(txId);
`Psbt is missing from txCache (cache size ${AbstractUtxoCoin.PSBT_CACHE.size}).
This may be due to the request being routed to a different BitGo-Express instance that for signing step 'signerNonce'.`
tx = psbt.combine(tx);
// this instance is not an external signer
assert(txPrebuild.walletId, 'walletId is required for MuSig2 bitgo nonce');
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();
setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride(tx, signerKeychain, !!params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx);
const response = await this.signPsbt(tx.toHex(), txPrebuild.walletId);
} else {
switch (params.signingStep) {
case 'signerNonce':
case 'cosignerNonce':
* In certain cases, the caller of this method may not know whether the txHex contains a psbt with taproot key path spend input(s).
* Instead of throwing error, no-op and return the txHex. So that the caller can call this method in the same sequence.
return { txHex: tx.toHex() };

if (signerKeychain === undefined) {
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();

let signedTransaction: bitgo.UtxoTransaction<bigint> | bitgo.UtxoPsbt;
if (tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt) {
signedTransaction = signAndVerifyPsbt(tx, signerKeychain, {
allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx: params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx,
} else {
if (tx.ins.length !== txPrebuild.txInfo?.unspents?.length) {
throw new Error('length of unspents array should equal to the number of transaction inputs');

if (!params.pubs || !isTriple(params.pubs)) {
throw new Error(`must provide xpub array`);

const keychains = => bip32.fromBase58(pub)) as Triple<BIP32Interface>;
const cosignerPub = params.cosignerPub ?? params.pubs[2];
const cosignerKeychain = bip32.fromBase58(cosignerPub);

const walletSigner = new bitgo.WalletUnspentSigner<RootWalletKeys>(keychains, signerKeychain, cosignerKeychain);
signedTransaction = signAndVerifyWalletTransaction(tx, txPrebuild.txInfo.unspents, walletSigner, {
}) as bitgo.UtxoTransaction<bigint>;

return {
txHex: signedTransaction.toBuffer().toString('hex'),
return signTransaction<TNumber>(this, params);

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/abstract-utxo/src/recovery/crossChainRecovery.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as utxolib from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';
import { bip32, BIP32Interface } from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';

const { unspentSum, scriptTypeForChain, outputScripts } = utxolib.bitgo;
export type RootWalletKeys = utxolib.bitgo.RootWalletKeys;
type RootWalletKeys = utxolib.bitgo.RootWalletKeys;
type Unspent<TNumber extends number | bigint = number> = utxolib.bitgo.Unspent<TNumber>;
type WalletUnspent<TNumber extends number | bigint = number> = utxolib.bitgo.WalletUnspent<TNumber>;
type WalletUnspentLegacy<TNumber extends number | bigint = number> = utxolib.bitgo.WalletUnspentLegacy<TNumber>;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion modules/abstract-utxo/src/transaction/fixedScript/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export { explainPsbt, explainLegacyTx, ChangeAddressInfo } from './explainTransaction';
export { parseTransaction } from './parseTransaction';
export { verifyTransaction } from './verifyTransaction';
export { CustomChangeOptions } from './parseOutput';
export { verifyTransaction } from './verifyTransaction';
export { signTransaction } from './signTransaction';
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions modules/abstract-utxo/src/transaction/fixedScript/signTransaction.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import assert from 'assert';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { bip32, BIP32Interface, bitgo } from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';
import * as utxolib from '@bitgo/utxo-lib';
import { isTriple, Triple } from '@bitgo/sdk-core';
import buildDebug from 'debug';

import { signAndVerifyPsbt, signAndVerifyWalletTransaction } from '../../sign';
import { AbstractUtxoCoin, DecodedTransaction, RootWalletKeys } from '../../abstractUtxoCoin';

const debug = buildDebug('bitgo:abstract-utxo:signTransaction');

* Key Value: Unsigned tx id => PSBT
* It is used to cache PSBTs with taproot key path (MuSig2) inputs during external express signer is activated.
* Reason: MuSig2 signer secure nonce is cached in the UtxoPsbt object. It will be required during the signing step.
* For more info, check SignTransactionOptions.signingStep
* TODO BTC-276: This cache may need to be done with LRU like memory safe caching if memory issues comes up.
const PSBT_CACHE = new Map<string, utxolib.bitgo.UtxoPsbt>();

export async function signTransaction<TNumber extends number | bigint>(
coin: AbstractUtxoCoin,
tx: DecodedTransaction<TNumber>,
params: {
walletId: string | undefined;
txInfo: { unspents?: utxolib.bitgo.Unspent<TNumber>[] } | undefined;
isLastSignature: boolean;
prv: string | undefined;
signingStep: 'signerNonce' | 'cosignerNonce' | 'signerSignature' | undefined;
allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx: boolean;
pubs: string[] | undefined;
cosignerPub: string | undefined;
): Promise<{ txHex: string }> {
const isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput = tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt && bitgo.isTransactionWithKeyPathSpendInput(tx);

let isLastSignature = false;
if (_.isBoolean(params.isLastSignature)) {
// We can only be the first signature on a transaction with taproot key path spend inputs because
// we require the secret nonce in the cache of the first signer, which is impossible to retrieve if
// deserialized from a hex.
if (params.isLastSignature && isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput) {
throw new Error('Cannot be last signature on a transaction with key path spend inputs');

// if build is called instead of buildIncomplete, no signature placeholders are left in the sig script
isLastSignature = params.isLastSignature;

const getSignerKeychain = (): utxolib.BIP32Interface => {
const userPrv = params.prv;
if (_.isUndefined(userPrv) || !_.isString(userPrv)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(userPrv)) {
throw new Error(`prv must be a string, got type ${typeof userPrv}`);
throw new Error('missing prv parameter to sign transaction');
const signerKeychain = bip32.fromBase58(userPrv, utxolib.networks.bitcoin);
if (signerKeychain.isNeutered()) {
throw new Error('expected user private key but received public key');
debug(`Here is the public key of the xprv you used to sign: ${signerKeychain.neutered().toBase58()}`);
return signerKeychain;

const setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride = (
psbt: utxolib.bitgo.UtxoPsbt,
signerKeychain: utxolib.BIP32Interface,
nonSegwitOverride: boolean
) => {
utxolib.bitgo.withUnsafeNonSegwit(psbt, () => psbt.setAllInputsMusig2NonceHD(signerKeychain), nonSegwitOverride);

let signerKeychain: utxolib.BIP32Interface | undefined;

if (tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt && isTxWithKeyPathSpendInput) {
switch (params.signingStep) {
case 'signerNonce':
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();
setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride(tx, signerKeychain, params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx);
PSBT_CACHE.set(tx.getUnsignedTx().getId(), tx);
return { txHex: tx.toHex() };
case 'cosignerNonce':
assert(params.walletId, 'walletId is required for MuSig2 bitgo nonce');
return { txHex: (await coin.signPsbt(tx.toHex(), params.walletId)).psbt };
case 'signerSignature':
const txId = tx.getUnsignedTx().getId();
const psbt = PSBT_CACHE.get(txId);
`Psbt is missing from txCache (cache size ${PSBT_CACHE.size}).
This may be due to the request being routed to a different BitGo-Express instance that for signing step 'signerNonce'.`
tx = psbt.combine(tx);
// this instance is not an external signer
assert(params.walletId, 'walletId is required for MuSig2 bitgo nonce');
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();
setSignerMusigNonceWithOverride(tx, signerKeychain, params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx);
const response = await coin.signPsbt(tx.toHex(), params.walletId);
} else {
switch (params.signingStep) {
case 'signerNonce':
case 'cosignerNonce':
* In certain cases, the caller of this method may not know whether the txHex contains a psbt with taproot key path spend input(s).
* Instead of throwing error, no-op and return the txHex. So that the caller can call this method in the same sequence.
return { txHex: tx.toHex() };

if (signerKeychain === undefined) {
signerKeychain = getSignerKeychain();

let signedTransaction: bitgo.UtxoTransaction<bigint> | bitgo.UtxoPsbt;
if (tx instanceof bitgo.UtxoPsbt) {
signedTransaction = signAndVerifyPsbt(tx, signerKeychain, {
allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx: params.allowNonSegwitSigningWithoutPrevTx,
} else {
if (tx.ins.length !== params.txInfo?.unspents?.length) {
throw new Error('length of unspents array should equal to the number of transaction inputs');

if (!params.pubs || !isTriple(params.pubs)) {
throw new Error(`must provide xpub array`);

const keychains = => bip32.fromBase58(pub)) as Triple<BIP32Interface>;
const cosignerPub = params.cosignerPub ?? params.pubs[2];
const cosignerKeychain = bip32.fromBase58(cosignerPub);

const walletSigner = new bitgo.WalletUnspentSigner<RootWalletKeys>(keychains, signerKeychain, cosignerKeychain);
signedTransaction = signAndVerifyWalletTransaction(tx, params.txInfo.unspents, walletSigner, {
}) as bitgo.UtxoTransaction<bigint>;

return {
txHex: signedTransaction.toBuffer().toString('hex'),

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