Those scripts should help setting things up and prepare the test environment.
For script quality, bats was used to test the scripts, it will mock the calls to the actual programs and just tests that the scripts du what they should by checking input and the external calls. Running the test scripts will not change any state on the machine.
To run the test, bats needs to be installed.
git clone
cd bats
./ /usr/local
Following a cheatsheet of conditionals to help prevent running commands multiple times. Those are valid bash conditions, which are just beeing checked before the actual script is run.
[//]: #conditional (! command -v [command] &> /dev/null)
# only execute block if [command] does not exist
sudo apt -y install [command]
[//]: #conditional ([[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]])
# run if OSTYPE is "linux-gnu"
[//]: #conditional ([[ ! -f [file] ]])
# only execute block if [file] does not exist
touch file
- @mdsh: Enables Multi-Lingual Literate Programming withhin markdown