Trainer: António Sousa
Contact: [email protected]
This repository includes the first part - 16S rRNA gene amplicon - upstream data analysis - of the material given in the crash course Crash Course: Microbiome Visualization with Biome-Shiny.
Content of this repo:
figs: folder that contains all the figures used and produced during the first part of the crash course that can be found in the markdown documents;
scripts: folder contains the built-in biodataPtCrashCourse.R R script with function used duing the first part of the course;
Biodata.ptCrashCourses.Rmd: R markdown document with all the information that you need to understand, reproduce and run inside Rstudio the first part of the course;
Biodata.ptCrashCourses.html: html document that you can open in any browser with all the information that you need to understand and reproduce the first part of the course;
- markdown document with all the information that you need to understand and reproduce the first part of the course - that you can vizualize inside the GitHub Pages;
- this file;
bibliography.bib: bibliography used to add references to R markdown document in BibTex format;
practical.Rmd: R markdown document with the main R code run during the first part of the course for the participants reproduce the course.