Tübingen Study Group for Homotopy Type Theory
This repository is used for coordinating the Study Group on Homotopy Type Theory in Tübingen and to share articles, links, books, dates, etc...
##Doodle Poll
Insert your available time slots in the doodle poll: Doodle
[We have now settled on the Monday Tuesday 14-16 timeslot.]
The meetings will take place on Mondays Tuesdays at 14:1514:00 in room A302 C109 at the Sand.
The preliminary schedule looks as follows:
- 13 Dec 2016 : Organisation of the Reading Group, Backgrounds in Type theory, Introduction to Martin-Löf dependent type theory and its identity types. (David + Ingo)
In the first meeting we discussed:
- The two kinds of judgments of Martin-Löf type theory.
- The FIEC-Schema for introducing new types (Formation, Introduction, Elimination, Computation Rules).
- Nondependent Product and Sum Types.
- Dependent Function Type (= Pi Type) and Dependent Product Type (= Sigma Type).
- The Type of natural numbers.
- The provability of the type-theoretic version of the Axiom of Choice.
- 20 Dec 2016 : We will discuss chapter 1 of the HoTT book, wrap up the remaining questions about the dependent function + product types and probably concentrate on the Identity-Type (propositional Identity) (Ingo)
We discussed:
- The FIEC rules for the identity type.
- How the Elimination principle for the identity type does not allow us to deduce the Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP) property.
- How to strengthen the identity type with Streicher's axiom K so that UIP is deducible.
- The interpretation of the Identity Type as the Type of Paths in a topological space. (And the type of paths between these paths as the homotopies between the paths)
- Two examples of Higher Inductive Types: The circle S1 and the Type of Natural numbers mod 2.
See also: Dan Licata on Identity Types
- 10 Jan 2017 : We will discuss from Chapter 2 the beginning until section 2.4 inclusive. (Philipp)
Groupoids and Puzzles Alan Weinstein on Groupoids (PDF)
17 Jan 2017:
24 Jan 2017: We dicuss Ladyman's alternative justification for path induction and the encode/decode pattern.
Identity in Homotopy Type Theory, Part I: The Justification of Path Induction
31 Jan 2017 : We discussed sections 2.12 to 2.14. This mainly involved the characterization of positive types using the code-decode-procedure.
07 Feb 2017 : We will discuss the beginning of Chapter 3 until section 3.4 inclusive. (Ingo)
We discussed:
- The incompatibility of Univalence and LEM
- The trivial truth of AC in its "naive" form
- (Non-)Existence of relationships between
14 Feb 2017 : We will discuss the second half of Chapter 3 (sections 3.5–3.11). (Philipp)
21 Feb 2017 : We will discuss the rest of Chapter 3, skip Chapter 4 and continue with Chapter 5 (until 5.3, W-Types)
We discussed:
- Contractibility
- W-types
04 Apr 2017 : We will discuss sections 5.4 to 5.6.
We discussed:
- Proof of isSet(Universe)
- Inductive types as initial algebras
- F-algebras in general Bartosz Milewski on F-Algebras
11 Apr 2017 : We will discuss the rest of Chapter 5, starting at 5.6. (Philipp)
We discussed:
- Generalizations of Inductive Types (in particular inductive-inductive and inductive-recursive)
- "Free generation" of inductively defined types
- Exercises 5.1, 5.2 and 5.7
18 Apr 2017 : We will discuss the the beginning Chapter 6, Sections 6.1 until 6.3 (Ingo)
25 Apr 2017 : see 18 Apr
We discussed: this.
2 Mar 2017 : We will discuss Sections 6.4 until 6.5 (David)
We discussed: this.
9 Mar 2017 : We will discuss Sections 6.8 until 6.10 (Philipp)
We discussed:
- categorical constructions in detail ((co-)equalizers, pullback, pushouts, etc)
- topological constructions (suspension, join, cofiber, wedge, smash product) as pushouts
16 Mar 2017 : We will discuss Sections 6.9 until 6.11
We discussed:
- Truncations (shortly)
- Quotients (shortly)
- Algebras as HIT
30 Mar 2017 : Cubical Type Theory
Possible sources:
- Angiuli, Harper, Wilson: Computational Higher-Dimensional Type Theory
- Clive Newstead: Cubical sets
- Cohen, Coquand, Huber, Mörtberg: Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom
- The official HoTT Book: HoTT Book
- Robert Harper's Video Lectures: Lectures
- nLab Article: nLab
- Wikipedia Article: Wikipedia
- Video List from the Fields Institute Workshop: Fields Institute
- A Meaning Explanation of HoTT: FOM Mailing List
- Lean Tutorial by Jeremy Avigad: Tutorial
- FOMUS talks on youtube: FOMUS 2016