~~ GTNA - Graph-Theoretic Network Analyzer
(C) Copyright 2009-2011, by Benjamin Schiller (P2P, TU Darmstadt) and Contributors
Project Info: http://www.p2p.tu-darmstadt.de/research/gtna/
GTNA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GTNA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
~~ ChangeLog (28.3.11)
- Transformations
- interface Transformation, partial implementation TransformationImpl
- can be used to change a graph after generating it using a network generator
- e.g. GiangConnectedComponent removes all nodes except for the largest cluster
- e.g. Bidirectional makes all conenctions bidirectional by adding the reverse edges as well
- e.g. RandomWithSameDD created a random network with the same degree distribution
- basically the same as gtna.networks.transformation.SameDD
- NetworkImpl constructor now includes an array of transformations
- gtna.networks.transformation hence removed
- all these transformation are automatically applied during Series.generate()
- can use parameters similar to RoutingAlgorithm and Network
- Metric dependencies
- metrics can now be configured to declare dependencies
- KEY_DEPENDENCY = DD, CC requires DD and CC to be executed before
- computed metrics
- computeData method now includes a third parameter: Hashtable<String, Metric> m
- contains all metrics computed so far to gain access to the computed data
- removed method readData and readValues from the Metric interface and MetricImpl
- Routing
- added Route class to represent the results from each individual routing attempt
- adapted the interfaces and implementations where neccessarey
- reorganized
- many new nodes / identifiers / algorithms added
- added Route class to represent the results from each individual routing attempt
- Plots
- Gnuplot output can now be customized in the configuration file
- plot via EPS feature was removed
- all data is stored in the folder Config.get("MAIN_DATA_FOLDER")
- default is "./data/"
- can be changed, e.g., using Config.overwrite("MAIN_DATA_FOLDER", "./data/myData");
- all plots are stored in the folder Config.get("MAIN_PLOT_FOLDER");
- default is "./plots/"
- can be changed, e.g., using Config.overwrite("MAIN_PLOT_FOLDER", "./plots/myPlots");
- all plots like, e.g., Plot.plotAll(s, "destination/") are then stored in "MAIN_PLOT_FOLDER" + "destination/"
- therefore no need to always plot to "./plots/myPlots/destination/"
- all data is stored in the folder Config.get("MAIN_DATA_FOLDER")
- Config files
- reorganized
- added examples, explanations, and comments to many files
- Comments
- comments to explain part of the classes and implementations were added
- Cleanup
- some classes / functionalities were merged
- unneccessary classes were removed
- some classes were renamed and/or moved
- some additional interfaces were slightly changed to reflect other changes mentioned above