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A personal project for me to learn more about machine learning, handling noisy data and cryptanalysis
- removing punctuation
- white space
- lower case
- full format
Cryptanalysis page has a modern user friendly front end which allows users to visualise every characteristic of the page
- Frequency comparison bar chart to english language
- index of coincidence comparison bar chart
- chi squared score of cipher text for:
- monogram
- bigram
- trigram
- bhattarayya score of cipher text for:
- monogram
- bigram
- trigram
- encrypt several classical cipher types using reformatted pycipher module
- decrypt several classical cipher types using reformatted pycipher module
- Implemented KNN model to calculate encryption type
- implemented statistical model to calculate most probable key for monoalphabetic ciphers
- implemented statistical model to calculate most probable key length and key for polyalphabetic ciphers