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Operation Missions

This is a parser for the upcoming operation missions which are yet to be revealed but are available in the game files for Operation Riptide. Every time a new CSGO update is released a workflow will run automatically and the website linked below will update with the latest data.

Available at


To build the index.html yourself simply open a command prompt and run npm ci, once finished run node index.js. Make sure you don't run an ancient NodeJS version and upgrade regularly. Last tested using v18.7.0.

Optional command line arguments

  • --language <language> Force parser to translate using this language file
    • Example: --language csgo_danish.txt
    • Defaults to csgo_english.txt
    • Note: It is not guaranteed that your translation file will include all strings, you may have to wait for Steam Translators to catch up.
    • Note: Non-English languages won't properly work because some text in this program is hardcoded for english. You would have to go through the code and modify it.
  • --local Skip downloading of items_game.txt, gamemodes.txt and translation files and use local files instead
    • Parser will look for the listed files above in a folder called local
    • Note: Regardless of language defined there should always be a fallback csgo_english.txt available