A toy CPU based on Tomasulo Algorithm, implemented by Verilog HDL language.
到Verilog Format (github)上下载code zip
Check本地是否有 Java8, 没有需要重新下ww
改preference settings的时候发现即使改了相关参数(e.g. indent)依旧无效, 但是plugin path导到的properties目录是对的: github 上有issue说明了解决方案
注释不支持中文? 是因为JDK默认编码不是utf-8, google一下, 添加一个环境变量就好了 (
这真是个头疼的玩意 🤧
注意需要--recursive命令来确保整个包都安装完毕, 大概是6.65G左右
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain
git clone
的时候可能会存在terminal proxy的问题, 这个需要见(zi)仁(sheng)见(zi)智(mie)了
如果用的是Clash, 可以在General
一栏点击port边上的terminal icon就可以简单方便的打开已经代理完成的Powershell/CMD, 接下来调用 git submodule update --init --recursive 就可以了.
- set HTTP_PROXY 会在cmd关闭后失效,下次打开cmd需要重新设置。
看清楚自己的port是多少, 不要清一色1080 (
Regard CPU as finite-state machine, remember that verilog is HDL language!
the size of mem is 128KB, which implies the
only 16:0 is used. -
About Verilog
- use non-blocking assignment for
type in always @(posedge/negedge) - use assign statement for
- use non-blocking assignment for
Communications between components:
say A needs to send data to B:
- A: valid, means A already have got the data!
- B: rdy(or enable), means B is ready to accept data (in case B is full, e.g. ROB, etc)
- then, rdy = 0, valid = 1, you need to hold A's data until rdy = 1, and then send it to B.
thx to the idea of Chisel in Scala (
use WSL, WSL, WSL!
`include 使用相对路径, (相对项目打开的root而言, 所以最好开始的时候文件夹就打开riscv/src
- Von-Neumann Architecture:
Given part:
ram.v (memory), riscv_top.v ,
hci.v (host communication interface block, not being activated while simulation )
i.e. shown in pic above↑, except IO
InsFetcher: Fetch instruction
pc reg: program counter
Predictor: saturating counter