resto - an Earth Observation products search engine
Try the [demo] (http://mapshup.com/resto2/) !
In the following, we suppose that $RESTO_HOME is the directory where resto sources will be installed
export RESTO_HOME=/wherever/you/want/resto
If not already done, download resto sources to $RESTO_HOME
git clone https://github.com/jjrom/resto2.git $RESTO_HOME
- Apache (v2.0+) with mod_rewrite support
- PHP (v5.3+) with XMLWriter and PGConnect extensions
- PostgreSQL (v9.3+) with json support and unaccent extension
- PostGIS (v2.0+)
Note 1: resto could work with lower version of the specified requirements. However there is no guaranty of success and unwanted result may occured !
Note 2: Apache server can be replaced by nginx server (see configuration)
resto installs a PostgreSQL database named 'resto'.
The 'resto' database is created with PostGIS extension enabled within the 'public' schema.
During the installation, two additional schemas are created :
- 'resto' schema - among others, it stores the table containing the collections description
- 'usermanagement' schema - it stores users related tables
The user 'resto' is automatically created within this database :
- 'resto' user has READ+WRITE access to 'resto' databases
It is very important to specify strong passwords for this user.
To install resto database, launch the following script
$RESTO_HOME/_install/installDB.sh -F -p <resto user password>
Note1 : installation script supposed that the PostgreSQL superuser name is 'postgres' (otherwise add '-s ' to the above command) and that it has access to psql on localhost without password.
Last step is to install application to the target directory. This directory will be accessed by the web server so it could be either directly under the DocumentRoot web server directory or in whatever directory accessed through web server Alias configuration. The latter case is prefered (see Apache configuration part below for Alias configuration)
To install resto launch the following script
# Note : RESTO_TARGET should not exist - it will be created by deploy.sh script
export RESTO_TARGET=/your/installation/directory
$RESTO_HOME/_install/deploy.sh -s $RESTO_HOME -t $RESTO_TARGET
[iTag] (http://github.com/jjrom/itag) is an application to automatically tag geospatial metadata with geographical information (such as location, landuse, etc.)
resto uses iTag during the ressource ingestion process and also for the Gazetteer and the Wikipedia modules
If you want to use iTag with resto, you should install it (follow the [instructions] (http://github.com/jjrom/itag/))
Note : resto has been tested on both Apache and nginx web server. Choose between configuration 1 and 2 depending on your configuration
The first thing to do is to configure Apache (or wathever is your web server) to support URL rewriting.
Basically, with URLs rewriting every request sent to resto application will end up to index.php. For example, http://localhost/resto/whatever/youwant/to/access will be rewrite as http://localhost/resto/index.php?restoURL=/whatever/youwant/to/access
Check that mod_rewrite is installed
For instance on MacOS X, looks for something like this in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
Configure target directory
Set an alias to the resto directory. To make mod_rewrite works, you need to verify that both 'FollowSymLinks' and 'AllowOverride All' are set in the apache directory configuration
For instance to access resto at http://localhost/resto (change "/directory/to/resto" by $RESTO_TARGET below):
For Apache < 2.4 :
Alias /resto/ "/directory/to/resto/"
<Directory "/directory/to/resto/">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
For Apache >= 2.4 :
Alias /resto/ "/directory/to/resto/"
<Directory "/directory/to/resto/">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Configure apache to support https (optional)
resto can be accessed either in http or https. For security reason, https is prefered when dealing with authenticated request (e.g. creation of a collection, insertion of a resource in the collection, etc.)
Thus, turning https in apache is optional to make resto work.
This document does not explain how to turn https on - but your system administrator should know how to do it !
Note: a step by step guide for installing https on Mac OS X is provided in the FAQ section below
IMPORTANT - Configure "RewriteBase" value within $RESTO_TARGET/.htaccess
Edit this value so it matches your alias name. If you use the same alias as in 2. (i.e. '/resto/') there is no need to edit $RESTO_TARGET/.htaccess file
Restart apache
apachectl restart
For a comprehensive migration from apache to nginx, you should read this article
The resto nginx configuration block should look like this :
# Tell nginx to use php-fhm
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
# deny access to Apache .htaccess files
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
# resto url rewrite configuration
location /resto/ {
if (!-e $request_filename){
rewrite ^/resto/(.*)$ /resto/index.php?RESToURL=$1 last; break;
IMPORTANT the previous configuration assumes that your resto installation is in the "resto" directory within the web server document root. If it is not the case, you should change all "/resto/" occurences in the configuration example to match your installation
Two configurations are possible :
- A socket configuration (prefered if PostgreSQL and Apache are on the same server you should)
- A TCP/IP configuration
Socket configuration
Edit $RESTO_TARGET/include/config.php and comment the general/host parameter
Edit the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file and add the following rules :
# Configuration for resto framework
local resto resto md5
Then restart postgresql (e.g. "pg_ctl restart")
TCP/IP configuration
Edit $RESTO_TARGET/include/config.php and uncomment the general/host parameter to set the right IP of the PostgreSQL server (default 'localhost')
Edit the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file and add the following rules :
# Configuration for resto framework
host resto resto md5
host resto resto ::1/128 md5
Edit the PostreSQL postgresql.conf and be sure that postgres accept tcp_ip connection.
# Uncomment these two lines within postgesql.conf
listen_adresses = 'localhost'
port = 5432
Then restart postgresql (e.g. "pg_ctl restart")
Note : Read the following if you are using Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, or one of the other distros that enable SELinux by default
# Enable the specific permission to allow Apache to issue HTTP connections.
service httpd stop
service postgresql stop
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
service httpd start
service postgresql start
All configuration parameters are defined within $RESTO_TARGET/include/config.php file
The configuration file is self explanatory. For a standard installation you should only check that :
- The restoUrl points to your resto installation webpage
- database.password value is the same as the 'resto' user password set during database installation
Create an admin user within the database
$RESTO_HOME/_install/createAdminUser.sh -u admin -p admin
Note : you should change the above script parameters to set a stronger password than 'admin' !!!
If you are using Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, or one of the other distros that enable SELinux by default
# Enable sendmail
setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on
$RESTO_HOME/_scripts/createCollection.sh -f $RESTO_HOME/_examples/collections/Example.json -u admin:admin
Only works for an existing collection (so create a collection first !)
Open you browser to http://localhost/resto/api/collections/Example/describe.xml
###Delete a collection
WARNING ! This will also destroy all the resources within the collection
$RESTO_HOME/_scripts/deleteCollection.sh -p -c Example -u admin:admin
Open your browser to http://localhost/resto/collections/
Only works for an existing collection (so create a collection first !)
$RESTO_HOME/_scripts/postResource.sh -c Example -f $RESTO_HOME/_examples/resources/resource_Example.json -u admin:admin
Only works for an existing collection (so create a collection first !)
Open your browser to http://localhost/resto/api/collections/Example/search.json
Only works on an existing resource (so insert resource first !)
curl "http://localhost/resto/collections/Example/dda9cd5f-b3b9-5665-b1de-c78df8d3f1fb.atom"
Only works on an existing resource (so insert resource first !)
curl "http://localhost/resto/collections/Example/dda9cd5f-b3b9-5665-b1de-c78df8d3f1fb.json"
For production use, you should take a look at the $RESTO_TARGET/include/config.php file and do the following :
- set "debug" to false
- set a "tokenDuration" no greater than 3600 seconds (i.e. 1 hour)
- set a non obvious "passphrase" for JWT (or at least change the default one !)
- if you want to limit API access, remove 'localhost' from the corsWhiteList and explicitely add allowed domain names
- set a strong password for the database 'resto' user
Edit $RESTO_TARGET/include/config.php file and comment all 'host' entries (i.e. within 'database' and in all modules options)
For [Mac OS X] (http://blog.andyhunt.info/2011/11/26/apache-ssl-on-max-osx-lion-10-7/)
Check if all the mandatory search terms are defined. Mandatory search terms are the OpenSearch terms without a question mark '?' defined within the Url template of the OpenSearch Document Description (i.e. http://localhost/resto/api/collections/{collection}/describe)