Welcome to BUAA-SMART Group, please feel free to contact us by opening issues.
- 我们全年招收实习生,如果您想加入我们,可以打开issue留下您的联系方式或者发送简历到邮箱[email protected],我们会主动联系您。
- We are hiring interns all years around, if you want to join us, please write "I want to join you guys" in the issue and we will notice.
- 我们欢迎来自工业界的各类合作,如果您有意向且信任我们,可以在issue留下您的问题,我们将尽力协助。
- We are happy to cooperate with friends from indutrial area, you can leave your question in issue and we will try to answer them to our best.