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Jorrit Poelen edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 16 revisions

11/6 10:00-11:00am 371 Barrows Hall ####Attendees Jonathan, Jong-kai, Carlos, Jorrit (remote), Jen Hammock (EOL, remote), Katja Schulz (EOL, remote) and Yurong He (Mayland's iSchool, remote)


  1. Seminar feedback
  2. Funder use case
  3. Review static demo page (check numbers, etc)
  4. Expanding data (increase accuracy, more organisms, dynamic data)
  5. Assign issues

####Seminar Feedback

  • Biologists don't seem to agree on the completeness measure.
    • According to people from EOL, marine life researchers have their own estimates for species completeness
      • We should explain somewhere on the page where do we get our estimate from (calculation)
      • Or maybe we should provide options for evaluating completeness in other calculation metrics (in the future)
      • Guralnick: expert estimates come from IUCN range maps (which could poses licensing issue to us: They are cautious on the misuse of their data)
  • completeness over time
    • Would be great if we could add the time dimension to our website (ex: a time slider bar to show the evolving of occurrence data)
  • completeness over area
    • The fuzziness of the area selection doesn’t really matter to biologists, species do move/migrate
    • Islands as natural border is good enough
  • add more organisms
    • start with birds, mammals, amphibian, reptiles
    • Aside from GBIF, we should also look into other public data (from state agencies)
    • Other sources: iNaturalist, ebird, IDBio
    • We could also allow citizens to submit their observations (But we should label the data source, either from scientist or from citizen)
  • Inference
    • It is also possible to use knowledge of data-completed area to infer the existence of unobserved species in incompletely-documented area
      • Jong-kai's comment: I don't think we should go this route though, this is orthogonal to our goal: promote data-sharing
  • marketing
    • Rather than promote sharing by creating competition, we should try to see this from a complementary, tool-sharing perspective
    • We should promote discussions between data providers and eco-station managers (list contact information)
    • Searching the common species could be the feature of most interests among scientists
    • Yet, Different research interest could require different fields in the data, we should talk to more scientists to have a better model design
    • Before our tool, scientist are already sharing data through email and meetings (but rather privately)
      • We should demonstrate better capability to their existing tools
      • One big pain is: if scientists need a quick and dirty estimations, they don’t quite have a tool (say during a flood or volcano eruption, what is the impact to local species? What is the priority of rescues or human-aided migration, if any? How to determine such priority based on data?)

####Actions Short-term:

  • We should explain somewhere on the page where do we get our estimate from (calculation)
  • We should talk to scientists to gather their real demand
    • Detailed data fields of interest
    • Regarding existing tools / methods of data sharing, where could be improved?
  • We should list contact information of scientist and eco-station manager to promote discussions


  • Aside from GBIF, we should also look into other public data (from state agencies)
  • Other sources: iNaturalist, ebird, IDBio
  • We could also allow citizens to submit their observations (But we should label the data source, either from scientist or from citizen)