Beam is client/server and peer-to-peer compatible networking library. It provides the ability to create large network systems with ease using language-independent messaging protocols. With Beam you can create a server to handle many concurrent connections as well as connect clients to each other for P2P connections. Beam provides the ability for P2P connections through UDP hole punching and UPnP. Message serialization is currently performed by Google's Protocol Buffers (MessagePack and others will be available soon).
- Creating a Server
- Message Handlers
- Connecting a Client
- Creating Messages
- Sending Messages
- Exchanging Messages
- Queuing Messages
- Broadcasting Messages
- Secure Communication
- P2P Connection
- UPNP Connection
- UDP Hole Punching
This code starts a server on TCP port 45800
BeamServer server = new BeamServer (45800);
server.start ();
A Beam server works with message handlers. Each handler has the ability to accept one or more different types of messages
public class ExampleHandler extends LegacyHandler
public ExampleHandler () {
super (ExampleMessage.EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_ID);
public LegacyMessage messageRecieved (Communicator comm, LegacyMessage msg) {
System.out.println ("Client sent message: " + msg.getString ("client_message"));
//response message
return msg.emptyResponse ().setString ("server_response", "example_reply_message");
Note: Most handlers extend BeamHandler. LegacyHandler is used in this example to allow for easier message manipulation.
Now that you have created a handler you will need to add that handler to the server.
server.addHandler (ExampleHandler.class);
Note: Add handlers to server before starting to ensure it receives all messages.
Starting a server creates a thread to handle incoming connections, reading/writing to the socket, and notifying handlers. Now that we have a server created and listening we will need to connect a client to it.
This code connects a client to a server at on TCP port 45800
BeamClient client = new BeamClient (, 45800);
client.connect ();
public class ExampleMessage extends LegacyMessage
public final static int EXAMPLE_MESSAGE_ID = 1000;
public ExampleMessage () {
public ExampleMessage (BeamMessage message) {
super (message);
Note: Most messages extends BeamMessage. LegacyMessage is being extending in this example to allow for easier message manipulation.
Sending a message will send a message and block while waiting for a response.
To create and send a LegacyMessage to the server from client
ExampleMessage exampleMessage = new ExampleMessage ();
exampleMessage.setString ("client_message", "example_client_message");
BeamMessage responseMessage = client.sendMessage (exampleMessage);
//convert and output server response
exampleMessage = new ExampleMessage (responseMessage);
System.out.println ("Server response: " + exampleMessage.getString ("server_response"));
Exchanging a message will send a message and update the original message with the response message given. Useful when the request and response message are the same class as it avoids unnessecary casting like when sending messages.
To create and exchange a LegacyMessage to the server from client
ExampleMessage exampleMessage = new ExampleMessage ();
exampleMessage.setString ("client_message", "example_client_message");
if (client.exchangeMessage (exampleMessage)) {
//output server response
System.out.println (exampleMessage.getString ("server_response"));
} else {
System.out.println ("Request timed out!");
Queuing a message sends a message without waiting for a response.
To create and queue a LegacyMessage to the server from client
ExampleMessage exampleMessage = new ExampleMessage ();
exampleMessage.setString ("client_message", "example_client_message");
//queue message. no need to wait for response
client.queueMessage (exampleMessage);
As a server you can broadcast messages to all connected clients
ExampleMessage exampleMessage = new ExampleMessage ();
exampleMessage.setString ("example_broadcast", "test_value");
server.broadcast (exampleMessage);
AES aes = new AES ("password");
BeamMessage aesMessage = new AESBeamMessage (aes, ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_ID);
aesMessage.set ("secret_variable", "secret_value");
//send and receive response (response is returned decrypted)
BeamMessage responseMessage = client.sendMessage (aesMessage);
System.out.println ("Server response: " + responseMessage.get ("server_response");
public class ExampleAESHandler extends AESBeamHandler
public ExampleAESHandler (AES aes) {
public BeamMessage messageRecieved (Communicator comm, BeamMessage message) {
System.out.println ("Client sent secret: " + message.get ("secret_variable"));
LegacyMessage responseMessage = new LegacyMessage (ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_ID);
responseMessage.setString ("server_response", "server_secret_value");
return responseMessage;
RSA rsa = new RSA (1024);
RSAConnection rsaConn = client.establishRSAConnection (rsa);
BeamMessage rsaMessage = new RSABeamMessage (rsaConn, ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_ID);
rsaMessage.set ("secret_variable", "secret_value");
//send and receive response (response is returned decrypted)
BeamMessage responseMessage = client.sendMessage (rsaMessage);
System.out.println ("Server response: " + responseMessage.get ("server_response");
public class ExampleRSAHandler extends RSABeamHandler
public ExampleRSAHandler (RSA rsa) {
public BeamMessage messageRecieved (Communicator comm, BeamMessage message) {
System.out.println ("Client sent secret: " + message.get ("secret_variable"));
LegacyMessage responseMessage = new LegacyMessage (ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_ID);
responseMessage.setString ("server_response", "server_secret_value");
return responseMessage;
Note: Server must add a RSAHandshakeHandler with the private RSA
server.addRSAHandshakeHandler (new RSAHandshakeHandler (rsa));
Client A
//opens TCP port 45800 on Client A
UPNPControl upnpControl = new UPNPControl (ConnectionProtocol.TCP);
upnpControl.addPortMapping ("Example UPNP Connection", 45800, 45800);
//receive message from Client B
BeamMessage message = peerComm.fetchWithWait (Communicator.WAIT_FOREVER, EXAMPLE_UPNP_MESSAGE);
LegacyMessage legacyMessage = new LegacyMessage (message);
System.out.println ("Client B sent: " + legacyMessage.getString ("client_message"));
//queue response to Client B
peerComm.queue (legacyMessage.emptyResponse ().setString ("client_message", "Hello from Client A!"));
Client B
//connect to client A directly on port 45800 (which is open via UPNP)
BeamClient client = new BeamClient (CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS, 45800);
client.connect ();
//send message to Client A
LegacyMessage message = new LegacyMessage (EXAMPLE_UPNP_MESSAGE);
message.setString ("client_message", "Hello from Client B!");
BeamMessage rtnMessage = peerComm.send (message);
//convert and output Client A response
message = new LegacyMessage (rtnMessage);
System.out.println ("Client A sent: " + legacyMessage.getString ("client_message"));
Client A
UDPHoleClient holeClient = new UDPHoleClient (PUNCH_SERVER_HOST, PUNCH_SERVER_PORT);
Communicator peerComm = holeClient.createHoleCommunicator (PEER_IDENTIFIER, PEER_ACCESS_CODE);
//receive message from Client B
BeamMessage message = peerComm.fetchWithWait (Communicator.WAIT_FOREVER, EXAMPLE_PUNCH_MESSAGE);
LegacyMessage legacyMessage = new LegacyMessage (message);
System.out.println ("Client B sent: " + legacyMessage.getString ("client_message"));
//queue response to Client B
peerComm.queue (legacyMessage.emptyResponse ().setString ("client_message", "Hello from Client A!"));
Client B
UDPPunchClient punchClient = new UDPPunchClient (PUNCH_SERVER_HOST, PUNCH_SERVER_PORT);
Communicator peerComm = punchClient.punchPeerCommunicator (PEER_IDENTIFIER, PEER_ACCESS_CODE);
if (peerComm == null) {
System.out.println ("Could not find peer to connect to! Make sure peer is waiting with hole request...");
//send message to Client A
LegacyMessage message = new LegacyMessage (TEST_PUNCH_MESSAGE_TYPE);
message.setString ("client_message", "Hello from Client B!");
BeamMessage rtnMessage = peerComm.send (message);
//convert and output Client A response
message = new LegacyMessage (rtnMessage);
System.out.println ("Client A sent: " + message.getString ("client_message"));