A Web API project that can serve as medical record of a patient or user in electronic format about personal health information written by the user independently.
- Ruby -v 3.1.2
- Ruby on Rails -v 7.0.3
- sqlite3 -v 1.4
- rspec-rails
- factory_bot_rails
- faker
- shoulda-matcher
- bcrypt
- pundit
- jwt
- database_cleaner
- active_model_serializers
- carrierwave
- rack-cors
- User Authentication (Register and Login)
- Profile User
- Body Weight and Height with BMI Calculation Record
- Blood Pressure and Pulse Record
- Blood Oxygen/Saturation Record
- Blood Glucose Record
- Vaccine Record
- Documentation Record
- Lab Result & Lab Measurement Record
bundle install
rails db:migrate
rails s
rspec -fd