Creates a pipeline to build and publishes packages to code artifacts.
Codestar github connection in secrets manager named code-star-connection-arn
Github PAT in secrets manager named config-github-token
release-please configured in the source repo
- Edit
and your repo name:
new NpmCodepipelineStack(app, "NpmCodepipelineStack", {
owner: "AustralianBioCommons",
repo: "my-repo-name", //Update this with your repo name
env: {
account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION,
Add the following environment variables in your terminal
export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=<your-tooling-aws-account-name>
Deploy the pipeline
cdk deploy NpmCodepipelineStack
npm run build
compile typescript to js