A simple website replicating Google Search, Google Image Search and Google Advanced Search functionalities.
This project was a coursework given by Harvard University's CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course online.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language that defines the structure of a web page. It is interpreted by your web browser (Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) in order to display content on your screen.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is used to customize the appearance of a website.
Syntatically Awesome Style Sheet (SASS) is a language that allows us to write CSS more efficiently in several ways, such as having variables and inheritance feature.
In order to link this styling to our HTML file, we can’t just link to the .scss file
because most web browsers only recognize .css files
. To deal with this problem, we have to download a program called Sass onto our computers. Then, in our terminal, we write sass examples.scss:examples.css
This command will compile a .scss
file named examples.scss
into a .css file named examples.css
, to which you can add a link in your HTML page.
To speed up this process, we can use the command sass --watch examples.scss:examples.css
which automatically changes the .css
file every time a change is detected in the .scss
Clone the repository and open the index.html in a broswer.
- Html
CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript. Lecture 0