Git commit standardization
[type]: <subject><BLANK LINE><body><BLANK LINE>
- All types list as follows:
- feat: new feature
- fix: bug fix
- docs: docs modification. E.g. README, CHANGELOG, CONTRIBUTE, etc.
- style: code style changes. E.g. line indent, no logical changes on code itself.
- refactor: rewrite part of the code block,no new feature or bug fix
- perf: impovment of user experience or system performance
- test: testing, including unit test and intergrated test and UI test
- chore: add library, dependencies or tools, change of workflow, or an otherwise menial task
- revert: revert to previous version
Git branch standardization
- Basic rule: master branch is protected Do not push to master in any cases
- If you work on something, e.g bug fix, new feature, check a new branch, when it's done, merge back into master
- Check and fix your own conflict before merging back to master
- branch type include
- name your branch start with type followed by type and detail. e.g