A script for download wallpapers on https://alphacoders.com/ written in Python.
Link: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-alphacodersdownloader/
You can use an AUR package manager as yay or pamac for example.
Example with yay:
yay -S python-alphacodersdownloader
Install requirements:
apt install curl apt-transport-https gnupg2
Import GPG key:
curl -s https://asthowen.fr/key.gpg | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/asthowen.gpg > /dev/null
Add the repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/asthowen.gpg] https://apt.asthowen.fr stable main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/asthowen-packages.list
Update repositories and install package:
apt update && apt install python3-alphacodersdownloader
Download the latest release on: https://github.com/Asthowen/AlphacodersDownloader/releases/latest.
Install package (replace fileName by the file name):
apt install -f ./fileName
Install requirement:
yum install curl
Add the repository in /etc/yum.repos.d/
curl https://rpm.asthowen.fr/asthowen.repo > /etc/yum.repos.d/asthowen.repo
Update repositories and install package:
yum check-update
And install package:
yum install AlphacodersDownloader
Download the latest release on: https://github.com/Asthowen/AlphacodersDownloader/releases/latest.
Install package (replace fileName by the file name):
yum install fileName
Start by install Snap (see https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd).
And then, install the package:
snap install alphacoders-downloader
Install module:
python3 -m pip install AlphacodersDownloader
Clone the repo and switch to folder:
git clone https://github.com/Asthowen/AlphacodersDownloader.git && cd AlphacodersDownloader/
Install dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the script:
python3 run.py
Currently, due to the use of CloudFlare, it is no longer possible to retrieve wallpapers directly from https://alphacoders.com. So you have to go to the page of the wallpaper you want and scroll to the maximum to display all the wallpapers, you can then download the HTML file of the page.
Start the script:
Enter the path to the previously downloaded HTML file: ./some.html
for example.
Enter download path: ~/downloads/wallpapers/
for example.
If you want change download speed, start by typing y and after that, enter a new download speed, it must be in Ko.
The path to the HTML file of the page containing the wallpapers to download, must be associated with the -P
The path to download wallpapers, must be associated with the -F
The download speed, it must be in Ko.
The help command.
Get infos about version.
Download wallpaper in ~/downloads/wallpapers/
alphacoders-downloader -F ./some.html -P "~/downloads/wallpapers/" -D 1024
Before committing an update:
- The code must have a result of 10/10 with pylint, use the command:
pylint --recursive=y alphacoders_downloader/*
- The code must be cleaned with black, run the command:
black alphacoders_downloader/ && black setup.py && black build/setup_build.py