Desktop application for keeping a database of favourite songs and creating CD-length playlists from them.
Download the project or clone it:
git clone
Create virtual environment (optional, but recommended; you need to have virtualenvwrapper installed):
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 songmgr
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package:
python install
(normal installation) orpython develop
(for developers)
Install pytest:
pip install pytest pytest-cov
In the project directory, run:
Activate virtual environment (if not already in it): workon songmgr
and run the main script:
On the first use, you will be prompted to choose directory storing all your music and where to store the database file:
After clikcing OK, you will see the main window:
In the main window,click Add new song to add a song to favourites:
Select an MP3 using Choose file. You will see song details:
After clicking OK the song will be added to your list.
When you have some songs in your collection, you can make mixtape playlists. In the main window, click Make mixtapes:
Click Make mixtapes again:
Mixtape information has been written to the database. Now click Save playlists:
Choose where to save playlists, in which formats and how their filenames should start and click OK:
Playlists are now saved to disk: