- AIS: ASAP Install Supporter
- ASAP-Updater: Origin, Test, Share
- ATLAS: AIS, TegraExplorer/Toolboxes, L, ASAP-Cleaner, Scripts
- atmo_logo_creator: atmo fatal/first splash iamge creator/extractor
- Atmosphere: patch/over version
- hb: nx-hbmenu, nx-hbloader
- hekate: Korean
- libnx: 4.7.0
- migarte: DeepSea, HATS, Kefir
- patches: locked - sys-patch, sigpatch-updater
- programs: Hombrews, Overlays, sysmodule
- SAK: switch army knife
- build.sh: Make script
- pack.sh: Packaging script
- ASAP.bat: SD install, make/packaging batch
- Run Git bash or terminal > git clone.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Yorunokyujitsu/archive_aio
- Install python and MSYS2 in
. - Place the
file in./msys64/home/user_name/.switch/
. - Add line to
Server = https://pkg.devkitpro.org/packages
Server = https://pkg.devkitpro.org/packages/windows/$arch/
- Run mingw64.exe > Signing the DevKitPro cypher keys.
pacman-key --recv BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0 --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com
pacman-key --lsign BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0
pacman-key -l BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0
pacman-key -l F7FD5492264BB9D0
pacman -Syuu --needed --noconfirm
pacman -U --needed --noconfirm https://pkg.devkitpro.org/devkitpro-keyring.pkg.tar.xz
- Install DevkitPro packages.
pacman -Syuu --needed --noconfirm git gcc make curl zip lz4 devkitA64 devkitARM dkp-toolchain-vars hactool python-pip python-setuptools mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pip mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pycryptodome mingw-w64-x86_64-python-lz4 switch-dev switch-sdl2_image switch-sdl2_gfx switch-glad switch-glfw switch-glm switch-freetype switch-libconfig switch-libjson-c switch-physfs switch-curl switch-zziplib switch-mbedtls switch-jansson switch-tinyxml2
- Install python libraries.
pip install py lz4 pycryptodome
- Run until the
there is nothing to do
pacman -Syuu --needed --noconfirm
- Unzip extra.7z (for password, please contact blog channel talk).
- Edit source codes.
- Download zip.exe, unzip.exe and move to
path. - Place the image files in the
with namessplash
or both. - Run
> input commandsAIS
> When finished,PACK
- Change the logo, not the splash screen.
- Place the splash image files in the
with namessplash.png
. - This will create
and building atmosphere will change the splash logo. - There is no need to use the
command again unless you change the splash logo to a different image in future builds.
- Run
> inputAIS
- Git clone ASAP archive > Unzip some zip files using password.
- Install utilities & python libraries.
sudo apt install lz4 zip git make gcc python3 python-is-python3 python3-pip
sudo pip install py pillow pycryptodome lz4 numpy
# if using ubuntu 22.04 ~
sudo apt update
sudo apt install lz4 zip git make gcc python3 python-is-python3 python3-py python3-pip python3-pil python3-pycryptodome python3-lz4 python3-numpy
- Install devkitpro
wget https://apt.devkitpro.org/install-devkitpro-pacman
chmod +x ./install-devkitpro-pacman
sudo ./install-devkitpro-pacman
- Install devkitpro-pacman packages.
chmod 755 /opt/
sudo dkp-pacman -Syuu --needed --noconfirm switch-dev devkitARM devkitarm-rules hactool dkp-toolchain-vars switch-curl switch-freetype switch-glad switch-glfw switch-glm switch-jansson switch-libconfig switch-libdrm_nouveau switch-libjpeg-turbo switch-libjson-c switch-libpng switch-libwebp switch-mbedtls switch-mesa switch-physfs switch-sdl2 switch-sdl2_gfx switch-sdl2_image switch-tinyxml2 switch-zlib switch-zziplib
- Setting environment variables for devkitpro.
export DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro
export DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM
export DEVKITPPC=/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC
- Create splash & fatal logos.
cd atmo_logo_creator
python ./scripts/create_logos.py
- Unzip extra.7z (for password, please contact blog channel talk).
- Build all repositories.
chmod +x build.sh
- Packaging ASAP.
chmod +x pack.sh
Command >output/*
folders & files.ASAP
Command > Unzipoutput/AIS/AIS_normal.zip
file.- Move to SD card > Insert into Nintendo Switch and turn on power.
MSYS2 : MSYS2 ┃ Python : Python ┃ stahlworks : zip.exe, unzip.exe ┃ dezem : SAK
switchbrew : libnx, nx-hbloader, nx-hbmenu ┃ Patches : ITotalJustice, mrdude2478
Asa : AIS(ASAP Install Supporter), atmo_logo_creator
CTCaer : Hekate & Nyx ┃ Atmosphère-NX : libnx, Atmosphère, Haze, Daybreak, Reboot to payload -
shchmue : Lockpick RCM ┃ suchmememanyskill : TegraExplorer
HamletDuFromage : aio-switch-updater ┃ J-D-K : JKSV ┃ rdmrocha : Linkalho ┃ Tinfoil : Tinfoil
retronx-team : sys-clk, sys-clk-manager ┃ B3711 : sys-clk-oc ┃ halop : OC Toolkit SC, OC Toolkit EOS
WerWolv : nx-ovlloader, ovl-sysmodules ┃ ppkantorski : Ultrahand-Overlay ┃ proferabg : EdiZon-Overlay
XorTroll : emuiibo ┃ masagrator : SaltyNX, FPSLocker, ReverseNX-RT, Status-Monitor-Overlay -
ndeadly : MissionControl ┃ cathery : sys-con
Team-Neptune : DeepSea ┃ rashevskyv : Kefir, DBI, Kefirosphere ┃ sthetix : HATS, INSTINCT-Toolbox
TEAM-XECUTER : SX Gear ┃ Spacecraft-NX : Spacecraft ┃ Hwfly-nx : Hwfly, Hwfly-Toolbox
INSTINCT-NX : INSTINCT ┃ rehius : Picofly, Picofly-Toolbox