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A Library for Fluent Caching in C#

FluentCache is a simple, fluent library to help you write clean, legible caching code by reducing boilerplate.

double ezResult = cache.Method(r => r.DoSomeHardParameterizedWork(parameter))
Package Status
FluentCache FluentCache


  • Fluent API: clean, simple API to encapsulate caching logic
  • Automatic Cache Key Generation: refactor at will and never worry about magic strings. FluentCache automatically analyzes the expression tree and generates caching keys based on the type, method, and parameters
  • Caching policies: specify caching policies like expiration, validation, and error handling
  • Cache Implementations: FluentCache supports common caching implementations and has a simple ICache interface to support other providers

Here's an example of some typical caching code that can be replaced by FluentCache:

//retrieve a value from the cache. If it's not there, load it from the repository 
var repository = new Repository();
int parameter = 5;
string region = "FluentCacheExamples";
string cacheKey = "Samples.DoSomeHardParameterizedWork." + parameter;

CachedValue<double> cachedValue = cache.Get<double>(cacheKey, region);
if (cachedValue == null)
    double val = repository.DoSomeHardParameterizedWork(parameter);
    cachedValue = cache.Set<double>(cacheKey, region, val, new CacheExpiration());
double result = cachedValue.Value;

There are several issues with this code:

  • boilerplate: duplicating this code is tedious
  • magic strings: the cache key is based on magic strings that won't automatically refactor as methods and parameters change
  • hard to read: the intent is overwhelmed by the mechanics


Cache Expiration Policies

double ttlValue = cache.Method(r => r.DoSomeHardWork())

Async/Await Retrieval

double asyncValue = await cache.Method(r => r.DoSomeHardWorkAsync())

Validation Strategies

double onlyCachePositiveValues = cache.Method(r => r.DoSomeHardWork())
                                      .InvalidateIf(cachedVal => cachedVal.Value <= 0d)

Clearing Values

cache.Method(r => r.DoSomeHardParameterizedWork(parameter))

Getting Started

Hello World

To get started, we will use the FluentDictionaryCache to illustrate the various Fluent extension methods provided by the API

//use the simplest cache, which wraps a dictionary
//other cache implementations are provided in additional nuget packages
ICache myCache = new FluentCache.Simple.FluentDictionaryCache();

//create a wrapper around our Repository
//wrapper will allow us to cache the results of various Repository methods
Repository repo = new Repository();
Cache<Repository> myRepositoryCache = myCache.WithSource(repo);

//create and execute a CacheStrategy using Fluent Extension methods
string resource = myRepositoryCache.Method(r => r.RetrieveResource())


Cache Implementation FluentCache Type NuGet Package
ConcurrentDictionary FluentDictionaryCache FluentCache
System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache FluentMemoryCache FluentCache.RuntimeCaching
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCache FluentMemoryCache FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.RedisCache FluentRedisCache FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache FluentIMemoryCache FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache FluentIDistributedCache FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions

Other caches can implement the FluentCache.ICache interface

New in v4

  1. Support for .NET Standard 2.0
  2. New implementations for Microsoft.Extensions.Caching
    1. Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache added to FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions nuget package
    2. Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCache added to FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory nuget package
    3. Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache added to FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions nuget package
    4. Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.RedisCache added to FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis nuget package
  3. Support for caching methods on generic repositories

The previous FluentCache.Redis package is deprecated in favor of FluentCache.Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis


A Fluent library for Caching in C#







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