- Build the container image
$ docker build -t artemmkin/hello-world:latest .
- Check the built image size
$ docker images | grep artemmkin/hello-world
artemmkin/hello-world latest 08e186387598 14 minutes ago 10.1MB
- Run a container from the image
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --rm --name hello-app artemmkin/hello-world
- Check that the application works
$ curl localhost:8000
- Clean up
$ docker stop hello-app
- Build the container image
$ docker build -t artemmkin/hello-world:latest . -f Dockerfile.onebuild
- Check the built image size
$ docker images | grep artemmkin/hello-world
artemmkin/hello-world latest 964ba43fcec3 9 seconds ago 740MB