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5. Meeting

Jaime Loredo T edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 1 revision

5º Meeting

27/02/2024 | 12:20 | Classroom meeting


  • Jaime Loredo
  • Álvaro Ibañez
  • Carlos Pelazas
  • Miguel Estapé
  • Pablo Lobeto

Actions done:

We discussed necessary features needed in order to have a functional application for the first delivery. Therefore, we described actionable steps in order to implement this first version of the application.

Decisions taken:


  • Style the login page
  • Check that there doesn't exist a user with the input username when registering
  • Develop application routing
  • Develop the game screen, having a lobby to load questions and add bots, as well as the interface to play the game


  • Finish implementing question generation services
  • Implement the groups service
  • Managing the game (create the necessary schemas and make endpoints)


  • Add the architectural decision of using the Wikidata Query Service rather than the Wikidata API
  • Design a database diagram
  • Fix the current documentation

Actions to do:

Implement the tasks enumerated in the "decisions taken" section.