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2nd meeting: 2023 02 06

Iván Vega García edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Date: February, 06th 2023

👥 Participant list:

  • Sara María Ramírez Pérez
  • Silvia Suárez Prendes
  • Iván Vega García
  • Elias Llera Garcia-Riaño
  • Andres Alvarez Murillo
  • Mario Pérez Fernández

👍 Agreements

Technology we will use:

  • TypeScript as programming language
  • Mongo as Database
  • React Redux
  • Axios
  • Postman

We decided to split into three groups to develop the initial documentation of the proyect.

  1. Introduction and Goals: Sara María Ramírez Pérez , Iván Vega García.
  2. Architecture Constraints: Andrés Álvarez Murillo, Mario Pérez Fernández.
  3. System Scope and Context: Elias Llera Garcia-Riaño, Silvia Suárez Prendes.

On saturday we will decide if this can be done before next week:

  • Create the basic CRUD operations.
  • Create drafts on react.

☑ Review state of tasks from past meetings

All members of the team added their names to the Readme file to get used to the work dynamic using the repository

🤝 Decisions taken

  • Milestones have been created for each of the releases.
  • Maintain the glossary up to date as we develop the documentation.
  • A new branch "Documentation" will be created. It will be used to make documentation changes without modifying the rest of the proyect.
  • Initialy, our connection to the SOLID pods will be done on the front-end, as an API for the webapp. If we deem it necesary we will change this connection so that is is performed on the back-end in the future.