AI model Content Disarm and Reconstruction Submitted to IEEE ACCESS.
Models were tested using the validation dataset from imagenet dataset
This work was supported by the Ariel Cyber Innovation Center in conjunction with the Israel National Cyber Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office. This work is under US Provisional Patent Application No. 63/524,681. We thank Ofek Alon for his feedback and for running part of the simulations.
License: Research only for non-commercial use. the work is patent-pending with GNU General Public License (GPL).
Download the needed libraries using the requirements.txt
requirements.txt generated using pipreqs
If you wish to attack the model BITS_TO_USE_FOR_ATTACKING are the the bits amount used, if you do not wish to attack the model the value does not matter
my_model = ModelOp(BITS_TO_USE_FOR_ATTACKING,'/your/data/place/val',
file_type = DATA_FILE_TYPE,
csv_solution = '/your/data/place/val_solution.csv',
json_location = '/your/data/place/class_index.json')
Loading a model -
You can use some of PyTorch built-in models with pretriand weights
ResNet101, Vgg19, Vgg16, Inception, ResNet50, ResNet18, Mobilenet
MODEL_TO_USE = "Vgg16"
You can use a model serialized using pickle.
Inserting data (Attacking)-
Sometimes padding will be needed, if you get this error ValueError: Fraction should be 23 values bits, you will need to add padding, which happens when data length cannot be divided by BITS_TO_USE_FOR_ATTACKING, the data length of the file is printed when using the insert file function
Insert a string
MODEL_TO_USE = "Vgg16"
Insert a file (you can also turn the file into a string)
You can recover the string data
Disarming the model-
You can use n_random or quanti8 , 1 <= BITS_AMOUNT <= 23, when using quanti8 BITS_AMOUNT is not used
strategy = "quanti8"
Testing the model-
Testing using the data you provided in the Initialize stage
You can take get model from the class
and test it in any other whey you test you PyTorch models, the model is a normal PyTorch model
We wanted to test the effect of the CDR and the attack on models, we choosed thoose model to test on ResNet101, Vgg19, Vgg16, Inception, ResNet50, ResNet18, Mobilenet.
We tested the models accurasy with the PyTorch pre-trained weights on the imagenet valdition dataset from kaggle (link in the start).
Then we tested the CDR effect on the models we used 23, 10 , 5 , 1 as the values for the random weights disarm, and also we tested the quanti8 option, we disarmed the model then tested the model.
Than we cheacked the effect of attacking the models with 2 kind of files a ransomware as a big file and vs-basic file as a small file for every kind of file we attacked using 23, 12, 4 bits, we attacked the model then tested the model.
The last type of test was attacking the model and then disarm it, we used the small file with 4 bits as the 1st attack scenario and the big file with 12 and 23 bits as the 2nd and 3rd scenarios, we attacked each model and then used every kind of disarm(23,10,5,1,quanti8) and tested the model accurasy.