A Dockerized bot that uses Discord channel webhooks to announce CTFd first bloods & solves.
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ArcusTen/CTFd-Discord-First-Blood.git
Create a Discord channel webhook for the channel where you want the first bloods to be announced and copy the webhook link.
Create a CTFd API token in your user settings and copy that down.
file with the webhook link from your discord channel and also add CTFd API token from your instance of CTFd. -
Run following command:
In case of any changes in Docker, run:
docker exec -it <name-or-id-of-running-container> bash
After making changes, you can export your newly modified image:
docker commit <container-id> <image-name-to-be-created>:<tag>
Please keep in mind that I am not an expert when it comes to making Discord bots. If you find any issues in this code or want to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with any improvements.