Releases: ArcoMul/leihbase
Releases · ArcoMul/leihbase
✨ E-mail reminders
Send users e-mail reminders one day before the reservation start and reservation end
✨ Overdue reservations
Adds a new tab in location admin reservation overview showing overdue reservation. Overdue reservations are reservation which after the start date haven't been 'started' (picked-up), or which after the end date haven't been 'ended' (returned)
✨ Location statistics
Adds a new 'statistics' location admin page, which shows some basic statistics for a given time period for that location
✨ OpenGraph meta-tags
When sharing product pages on social media or in chat applications, preview information can be loaded and displayed (product name, description and image). For example in Signal:
- 🛠️ Allow locations users to create reservations starting on the same day as another reservation for the same product ends
- 🛠️ Prevent throwing error on reservation creation when config json field is empty
- 🛠️ Show loading state in admin overview when content of RecordPicker field is being loaded
- ✨ Adds reservation 'started' and 'ended' fields, to track if the product has been picked up and returned
- ✨ Be able to mark reservations as cancelled in admin reservation overview
- ✨ Add configuration to define if reservation for the same product can end and start on the same day
- 🛠️ Set button in loading state after click, so that no unexpected errors happen (login, signup, and reservation creation)
- ✨ Admin interface to manage reservations per location
- ✨ Adds admin menu item when a user is assigned to a location
- ✨ Password reset page
- 🛠️ Use Cally as date picker instead of Pikaday, allowing more styling control
- 🛠️ Improve layout of product page on small viewports
- 🛠️ Make page refresh on logout to reset the app correctly
- 🛠️ Make page titles more consistent
- Update Pocketbase to v0.22.18
- Update NPM dependencies to latest minor version
- ✨ Display a fallback image when no image is defined
- ✨ Show confirmation after successful signing up or logging in
- ✨ Send user a confirmation email after making a reservation
- ✨ Integrates Playwright as E2E testing setup
- ✨ First setup of a location admin page
- ✨ First setup of E2E tests of sign up flow
- 🛠️ Add start and end of reservation to location reservation confirmation email
- 🤖 Update to Pocketbase 0.22.13
- ✨ Limit start/end date selection of a reservation to days when the borrow location is open
- ✨ Display message of user making the reservation in reservation confirmation email to location
- ✨ Clean user reservation message of possible HTML input before saving
- 🛠️ Instead of defining one notification email address for all locations, a location now has a 'notifications' field, which allows defining (multiple) email addresses to receive (reservation) notifications on per location
- 🛠️ Make location collection admin only, add public_locations view to retrieve publicly available data
- 🛠️ Allow reservation to start on the day that another reservation ends
- 🛠️ Products were rendered backwards client-side
- 🛠️ Remember search query while navigating