Archipelago 0.4.2
What's Changed
Bumper Stickers
- new game integration [@FelicitusNeko] #811
DOOM 1993
Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version
- new game integration [@digiholic] #1198
Muse Dash
- new game integration [@DeamonHunter] #1723
- new game integration [@Seldom-SE] #1405
- new game integration [@jonloveslegos] #439
- Linux support [@Witchybun] #1966
Generic / Generator / Server
- Add command line argument to skip progression balancing [@ThePhar] #1876
- Plando: fix automatic locations only working for the first world [@Silvris] #2063
- Fix locality rules [@ThePhar] #2044
- Fix some fill errors when swapping [@black-sliver] #1800 #2016
- Fix fill errors: remove the correct item from the item_pool [@el-u] #2055
- Reduce memory and speed up location commands in server [@black-sliver] #1926
- Cleanup, logging, better texts, better tests, minor fixes [@Berserker66] #1753 #1817 #1820 #1848 #1850 #1851 #1857 #1928 #1985 #2023 #2140 [@ThePhar] #1949 [@el-u] #1513 #1731 [@Zunawe] #1927 #1977 #2098 [@ScipioWright] #1954 [@black-sliver] #1825 #2068 #1964 [@Silvris] #1986 #1988 #2035 [@alwaysintreble] #1998
- Various doc/guide updates [@alwaysintreble] #1373 [@NewSoupVi] #1880 [@YoshiRulz] #1782 [@ScipioWright] #1987 [@Exempt-Medic] #1845 [@Bicoloursnake] #1865 [@alwaysintreble] #1853
Clients / Launcher / Setup
- Fix SSL errors by embedding certificates [@black-sliver] #1879
- Multi-game energy link update [@Berserker66] #2034
- Add missing start menu shortcuts [@Silvris] #1947
- Allow apworlds to add to the launcher [@Berserker66] #1872 #1894 [@black-sliver] #1890
- Add more stuff to setup and clean up installation [@Berserker66] #1870 #2020 #2111
- Add display name for
Option [@ThePhar] #1952 - Multitracker updates [@remyjette] #1965 [@freyacodes] #1645 [@korydondzila] #1893
- Better UI/UX [@ThePhar] #2019 #1856
- Change default spoiler option [@StripesOO7] #1852
- Better apworld support [@remyjette] #1862
- Enable ping on servers launched by webhost [@alwaysintreble] #1889
- Speed improvements
API Changes
- Per-world random as self.random [@alwaysintreble] #1649
- Add dict functionality to OptionDict [@alwaysintreble] #2036
- Add settings API for host.yaml [@black-sliver] #1871
- More region connection helpers [@alwaysintreble] #1698 #1923
- API doc updates [@ThePhar] #1901 [@Exempt-Medic] #1807 [@black-sliver] #1838 [@el-u] #1854 #1958 #1961
A Link to the Past
- Remove excess Blue Mail items from (non-progressive) hard item pool [@el-u] #2046
- Fix patching with some old adjuster settings [@Berserker66] #1828 [@zig-for] in #2118
- Slot data/tracker support [@StripesOO7] #1919
- Deterministic shop shuffle [@Berserker66] #1818
- Fixed console crashes for collect (too many items) [@CaitSith2] #2132
- Code cleanup [@Berserker66] #1787 #1798
- Documentation and logic improvements [@agilbert1412] [@axe-y] #2058 #1887 #1827
- Major Update/Refactor [@Zunawe] #1864 #1983
- Updated instructions [@Samonella7] #1874
- Move Ring of Steel Protection+3 from RC to DH [@Br00ty] #2017
Slay the Spire
- Document setup for Slay the Spire GOG/Game Pass installations [@remyjette] #1913
- Removed locations not present in the base game [@KonoTyran] #1938
- Fix multitracker [@Berserker66] #2001
- Fix resync not reconciling divergent history [@Berserker66] #1910
- Fix bugs and update setup guide for Scarab+ and XBox Game Pass support [@Exempt-Medic] #1955
- Fix typo in LEFTSLASH [@BadMagic100] #2027
Hylics 2
Links Awakening DX
- Fix breaking with too many start items [@zig-for] in #1903
- Add Hints [@zig-for] #1932 #2050 #2099
- Add rooster option [@zig-for] #2021
- Fix being forced to farm for money [@zig-for] #1924
- Allow disabling magpie in client with
[@Cybrou] #1788 - Improve reliability of LADX client [@zig-for] #1934
- Fix getting old items over and over again in Bizhawk [@zig-for] #2011
Lufia II Ancient Cave
- Coop support [@el-u] #1868
- Use an appropriate dungeon sprite and battle theme for each boss [@el-u] #1914
- Code cleanup [@el-u] #1971
- Implement Extra Orbs, Shop Price Reduction, and slight region tweaks [@ScipioWright] #1972 #1855
Ocarina of Time
- Minor Bug fixes and Python 3.11 Compatibility [@espeon65536] #1948
Pokemon Red and Blue
Risk of Rain 2
- Add Beads of Fealty
- Void Locus and The Planetarium ids swap [@kindasneaki] #1891
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
- v2.2 Content Update [@PoryGone] [@RaspberrySpaceJam] #1904
- Update documentation [@PoryGone] #1915 #1974
Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty
Super Mario 64
- Fix possible inaccessible region [@N00byKing] #2088
- Documentation update [@wordfcuk] #1967
Super Metroid
- Additional Objective Options [@lordlou] #1859
- Fix location counters preventing some goal completion [@lordlou] #2108
- Save and quit escape restriction and bad EscapeTrigger fix [@lordlou] #1929
- Fix link in options [@ScootyPuffJr1] #1831
- Update to upstream version 11.3.1 and item link fix [@lordlou] #1950
- Fix generation with non-western locale/language [@lordlou] #1847
- Fixed Ganon sign text on AllDungeonsDefeatMotherBrain goal [@ScorelessPine] #1617
Secret of Evermore
- Auto-launch SNI before browser via SNIClient [@alwaysintreble] #1861
Stardew Valley 4.x.x - The Ginger Update [@agilbert1412]
- Festivals
- Special Orders
- Ginger Island
- Cropsanity
- Traps
- New Entrance Randomizer modes
- New Options
- Mod Support [@Witchybun]
- Assistance [@Exempt-Medic] and [@ProfBytes]
#2136 #2107 #2015 #2089 #1992 #2006 #2004 #1842 #2038 #2028 #2129
- Filler item pool update [@Berserker66] #1837
- Doc update [@eudaimonistic] #2131
The Legend of Zelda
- Fix filepath error [@t3hf1gm3nt] #2100
- Doc update [@t3hf1gm3nt] #2045
- Fix Launcher filepicker [@wqferr] #1908
The Messenger
- Add Shop Rando [@alwaysintreble] #1834
- Bug fixes and cleanup [@alwaysintreble] #2110 #1975 #2070 #1695 #1907 #1687
- Update Docs [@alwaysintreble] #2005
The Witness
- Hints
- distribution changes, added locations [@NewSoupVi] #1957 #1785
- new junk hints, changed hints, Haiku. [@NewSoupVi] #1962 #2123
- Logic
- path behind Keep Pressure Plates 2 logical in Vanilla and Normal [@NewSoupVi] #2013
- various fixes [@NewSoupVi] #1867 #1984 #1881 #1895 #2031
- Plando fixes [@NewSoupVi] #2043 #2092
- Code cleanup/refactor [@blastron] #1953 [@NewSoupVi] #1897
- Tons of assistance by [@Exempt-Medic]
- Tweaks to map terrain [@FlySniper] #1982
- Mod update [@FlySniper] #1841
New Contributors
- @Cybrou made their first contribution in #1788
- @StripesOO7 made their first contribution in #1852
- @YoshiRulz made their first contribution in #1782
- @korydondzila made their first contribution in #1893
- @wqferr made their first contribution in #1908
- @DeamonHunter made their first contribution in #1723
- @digiholic made their first contribution in #1198
- @Zunawe made their first contribution in #1927
- @Samonella7 made their first contribution in #1874
- @remyjette made their first contribution in #1862
- @ScorelessPine made their first contribution in #1617
- @Silvris made their first contribution in #1947
- @Seldom-SE made their first contribution in #1405
- @blastron made their first contribution in #1953
- @Witchybun made their first contribution in #1966
- @BadMagic100 made their first contribution in #2027
Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.4.2