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Useful tools written with pure java. Includes ecdsa, sm2, sm3, encryption, excel reader, http(s) client and server etc.


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Useful tools written with pure java. Includes ecdsa, sm2, sm3, encryption, excel reader, http(s) client and server etc.

Asm java bytecode

see and TestService.test1 call Async test3()
the example shows how to use '' for generating a child class and change the behavier of the super class

Digital signatures

    byte[] sk = {29, -3, 74, 47, 123, 64, 41, 123, 67, -9, 89, 16, 84, 115, 18, -8, -41, -97, -57, 36, 103, 60, 115, -123, -5, -38, -97, 127, 32, -21, -25, 2};  
    byte[] pk = {36, 117, -87, 86, -21, 0, 78, 37, -128, -38, -1, -36, -74, -16, 60, -55, -46, 47, -29, -101, 95, 53, 113, 31, 0, 37, -46, 89, -70, -126, 10, -86, 44, -69, -127, -11, -19, 120, -83, 90, 46, 81, 15, -101, -16, -87, -106, -67, -33, -23, 18, 54, -67, 36, 99, 11, 59, -73, -96, 99, -98, 95, -115, -68};  
    byte[] hash = {21, -31, 75, 47, 123, 64, 41, 123, 67, -9, 89, 16, 84, 115, 18, -8, -41, -97, -57, 36, 103, 60, 115, -123, -5, -38, -97, 127, 32, -21, -25, 2};  
    Signature sig = new Signature(Signature.PopularCurve.secp256k1);  
    byte[] rs = sig.sign(sk, hash);  
    // print result  
    System.out.println("ret: "+sig.verify(pk, hash, rs));  
    byte[] sm2Sk = {29, -3, 74, 47, 123, 64, 41, 123, 67, -9, 89, 16, 84, 115, 18, -8, -41, -97, -57, 36, 103, 60, 115, -123, -5, -38, -97, 127, 32, -21, -25, 2};
    byte[] sm2Pk = {124, -111, 78, 61, -127, 10, -126, -115, 18, -118, 16, 64, 63, -12, 77, 32, 8, 95, -32, 73, 36, 98, 63, -81, -1, -112, -45, -87, -119, -31, -91, -5, -76, 120, -20, -101, -57, 45, -115, -110, -52, -50, 83, -74, -117, -113, -38, -51, -125, 18, -42, -84, 59, -33, -105, -3, 23, -8, 83, 51, 45, 74, -31, -105};
    Signature sig = new Signature(Signature.PopularCurve.sm2p256v1);

    rs = sig.sign(sm2Sk, hash);
    // print result
    System.out.println("ret: "+sig.verify(sm2Pk, hash, rs));


    SM2KeyPair keypair = SM2Crypto.genSM2KeyPair();
    byte[] pri = keypair.getPrivateKey();
    byte[] pub = keypair.getPublicKey(); //SM2Crypto.getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(pri);
    byte[] data = "nihao, shuaige".getBytes();
    byte[] cipher = SM2Crypto.encrypt(pub, data, SM2CryptoMode.C1C2C3);
    // print cipher
    byte[] text = SM2Crypto.decrypt(pri, cipher, SM2CryptoMode.C1C2C3);
    // print text
    System.out.println(new String(text));

http(s) client

    String body = JSONRequest.get("");
    // print body

    BaseRequest<UserLoginReqVO> userLoginReq = ...;
    BaseResonse<UserLoginRspVO> userLoginRsp ="http://localhost:8080/api/test/login", userLoginReq, new JavaTypeRef<BaseResonse<UserLoginRspVO>>() {});
    // print body

http(s) server

    (new SimpleHttpServer()).listen(8080, new HttpListener() {
        public void inComingMessage(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) {
            // print request body
            System.out.println("req: " + new String(req.getContent()));
            String body = "{\"nihao\":\"shuaige\"}";

        public void onServerException(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res, Throwable t) {

read a xlsx file

    // reading a middle size file
    List<Sheet> sheets ="e:/work/10w_line.xlsx");
    for(Sheet s: sheets) {
        for(Row r: s.rows()) {
            for(Cell c: r.cells()) {
                System.out.println(c.getName() + ":" + c.getValue());

    // reading a large size file
    List<SimpleSheet> simpleSheets ="e:/work/100w_line.xlsx");
    for(SimpleSheet s: simpleSheets) {
        for(List<String> row: s.rows()) {
            for(String cell: row) {

sort algorithm

    int count = 100000000;
    Integer[] a = new Integer[count];
    Random r = new Random();
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        a[i] = r.nextInt(count);
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, 0, 20)));
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, count -20, count)));
    QuickSort.sort(a, new Comparison<Integer>() {
        public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
            return o1 - o2;

    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, 0, 20)));
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, count -20, count)));