A place to find and create selected YouTube playlists - a teamwork project for Telerik Software Academy.
The website offers different accessibility options and functionality for admins, users or visitors.
###Anonymous users Everyone can browse the site and view the home page, login and register screens and various playlists details. Visitors can also search by different criteria.
###Registered users Logged in users have access to their profiles that can be updated. They can also create new playlists, and edit and delete the ones that they have published.
###Admin users Users with administrative rights have access to an administrative which allows them to create, update or delete palylists categories and edit user accounts.
On the initial home screen are listed the top 10 public playlists sorted on basis of their rating.
Users can search playlists by their title and category. Logged in registered users can also rate and comment playlists. The playlists can be sorted by their properties.
Users can view playlist details including title, full description and videos. The videos are embedded and can watched directly. Registered users can also rate and comment the playlists.
Registered users can edit the details or delete their playlists. They are encouraged to add new videos. There is a feature allowing preview of videos before their addition to the playlist.
Administrators can create, update or delete palylists categories in a nice and easy to use table menu.
Site admins can also manage individual user accounts and change their details as required.
The site presents the relevant information in an intuitive, easy to use way. The good user experience is enhanced by several tables that offer sorting, paging and filtering options. Every important user action results in a user-friendly success or error notification.