Google Tagmanager jQuery plugin
$.tagManager({id: 'GTM-ABC123'});
The first call must include the GTM ID.
It will push events from every element with predefined data attributes. i.e.:
<button type="button" class="ga-tag"
data-gacategory="Conversion" data-gaaction="Recharge"
data-galabel="Recharge_Btn" data-gaevent="eventga">
The Element needs to contain "ga-tag" class.
You can also push events manually:
$.tagManager('push', {
category: 'Conversion',
action: 'Recharge',
label: 'Recharge_Btn',
event: 'eventga'
Default settings are:
var defaultSettings = {
where: "document",
class: "ga-tag",
event: "click",
debug: false
You can change them in every call. i.e.:
$.tagManager({debug: false, class: "my-ga-tag"});