v8.1.1 (01/2022)
Bug fixes
- Fix segfault occurring randomly when thermal clusters are disabled (#472)
- Fix hydro level discontinuities (#491). Very rarely, hydro reservoirs would inexplicably be filled from 0% to 100% in 1h, this violating the modelling constraints.
- Execution times when the Sirius solver is used in conjunction with OR-Tools are now similar as with Sirius alone. This is a result of this fix, related to "hot-start".
Include antares-analyzer into .zip and .tar.gz archives (#470). This is especially useful if you use the portable version of Antares.
For developers
In the CI workflow, CentOS 7 now uses devtoolset-9 (previously 7), with in particular gcc 9. This allows for C++17 features to be used without hassle.