Game state is the 16 numbers on the 4 x 4 board.
- Deep Q Learning
- Functional approximator for Q function.
- Adding BN to Q model
- Add exponential activation at the end, add log prerpocessing at the start.
- Implement CNN version of Q network.
- Apply Q function to policy.
- implement A2C from scratch...
- implement PPO from scratch
refactor nn update process -
try implement multiprocessing on windows... - Advanced function approximators building in more invariance across log space.
- Implement 3D convolutional network as policy or Q network. --- really helpful.
- Train using Stable Baselines3, PPO
- Train using Stable Baselines3, PPO initalized from behavior cloning agent.
- Train using Stable Baselines3, DQN
Non-RL, Tree search method (Monte Carlo Expectation maximization) with 2 search step and 4 seeds. Mean score 3823.38+-1776.06. Max score 12524.
Behavior cloning from the dataset collected by tree search method. Mean score 2612.72+-1289.63. As expected, behavior cloning is not as good as expectimax since it has no notion of reward and try to match everything. (not showing)
RL method: DQN, PPO. DQN trains faster and reached higher score in our experiment. (reached ~4000 score in 1 hour.)
- PPO, mean score: 4950.20+-2665.72, Max score: 14660.
- DQN, mean score: 6218.52+-3881.79, Max score: 26104.
Merged comparison plot of DQN, PPO and expectimax. DQN is the winner!
A Demo video of agent behavior:
- Note the loss of different trajectories needs to be mean over not summed...
- In computing policy gradient, don't pass gradient to value network (?) Compute gradient of value network only w.r.t. value loss.
- when concatenating trajectories across episodes, note the initial state problem. In a single trajectory, the init
- Note the shape of tensors... squeeze the value output.
- The training diverged at iteration 35, surrogate decayed and was very bad.
iteration 35 summary 1048.03+-487.84
Run299-opt0 Valuee L2 125621.3 surrogate -7.3 entropy_err 0.3
Run299-opt10 Valuee L2 65059.0 surrogate -287927057776640.0 entropy_err 0.2
Run299-opt20 Valuee L2 53312.6 surrogate -49023297882423296.0 entropy_err 0.2
Run299-opt30 Valuee L2 46918.3 surrogate -20084860508962816.0 entropy_err 0.2
Run299 Loss decomp Valuee L2 18290.3 surrogate -22804005126144.0 entropy_err 0.2
100%|██████████| 300/300 [01:43<00:00, 2.89it/s]
iteration 36 summary 786.61+-372.59
- Note the gradient tend to explode if the sample size is small.... maybe just too noisy. So it's a good idea not to update untill you collect enough steps to do so.