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Added endpoint and payload whitelisting
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AngusWarren committed Jun 3, 2020
1 parent f1736eb commit b006691
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Showing 7 changed files with 325 additions and 93 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions API Endpoint Scraper.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Import-Module powershell-yaml

$resp = Invoke-WebRequest ""
$apiDivs = $resp.ParsedHtml.body.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where-Object {
$_.getAttributeNode('class').Value -like "page__apiv1*__*"

$data = [ordered]@{}
$dataCombined = [ordered]@{}

foreach ($item in $apiDivs) {
$regex = [regex]::Matches($item.className, 'page__apiv1(([^ ]*)__([^ ]*))')
$matches = $regex.Groups.Value
$apiNameFull = $matches[1]
$apiNamePartial = $matches[2]
$apiMethodLabel = $matches[3]

if (-not $labelFull) {
Write-Host "No match: $($item.className)"
$heading = $item.getElementsByTagName("H1")[0].innerText -split ' '
$method = $heading[0]
$endpoint = $heading[1] -replace "/:[^/]+","/:id"
$requestBody = @()
$requestBodyError = @()
$responseBody = @()
$responseBodyError = @()

$preBlocks = $item.getElementsByTagName("PRE")
foreach ($preBlock in $preBlocks) {
$previousSibling = $preBlock.previousSibling
if ($previousSibling.innerText -match "request|create") {
try {
$requestBody += "{ $($preBlock.innerText) }" | convertfrom-json
} catch {
$requestBodyError += $preBlock.innerText
} elseif ($previousSibling.innerText -match "response|return") {
try {
$responseBody += "{ $($preBlock.innerText) }" | convertfrom-json
} catch {
$responseBodyError += $preBlock.innerText

$filters = @()
foreach ($table in $item.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")) {
if ($table.previousSibling.innerText -like "*Param*") {
foreach ($elem in $table.getElementsByTagName("STRONG")) {
if ($elem.innerText -like "*filter*") {
$filters += $elem.innerText.trim()
$filters = $filters | sort | get-unique

$data[$apiNameFull] = [ordered]@{
endpoints = @($endpoint) | sort | get-unique
methods = @($method) | sort | get-unique
allowed_parameters = @($filters)
required_parameters = @()
requestbody = $requestBody | sort | get-unique
responsebody = $responseBody | sort | get-unique
requestbodyError = $requestBodyError | sort | get-unique
responsebodyError = $responseBodyError | sort | get-unique

$dc = $dataCombined[$apiNamePartial]
$dc = [ordered]@{
endpoints = @($dc.endpoints) + @($endpoint) | sort | get-unique
methods = @($dc.methods) + @($method) | sort | get-unique
#apiLabels = @($dc.apiLabels) + @($apiMethodLabel) | sort | get-unique
allowed_parameters = @($dc.allowed_parameters) + @($filters) | sort | get-unique
required_parameters = @()
requestbody = @($dc.requestbody) + $requestBody | sort | get-unique
responsebody = @($dc.responsebody) + $responseBody | sort | get-unique
requestbodyError = @($dc.requestbodyError) + $requestBodyError | sort | get-unique
responsebodyError = @($dc.responsebodyError) + $responseBodyError | sort | get-unique
$dataCombined[$apiNamePartial] = $dc
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions AzGluePS/AzGlueForwarder/function.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
"bindings": [
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"authLevel": "function",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"route": "{*path}",
"name": "Request",
"methods": [
Expand All @@ -18,4 +17,4 @@
"name": "Response"
215 changes: 135 additions & 80 deletions AzGluePS/AzGlueForwarder/run.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,90 +1,145 @@
using namespace System.Net
param($Request, $TriggerMetadata)

#Check if the client's API token matches our stored version and that it's not too short.
#Without this check, an empty or missing environmental variable would allow unauthenticated access.
if ($request.Headers.'x-api-key' -eq $ENV:AzAPIKey -and $ENV:AzAPIKey.Length -gt 12) {
#Comparing the client IP to the Organization list, and checking if it exists.
$ClientIP = ($request.headers.'X-Forwarded-For' -split ':')[0]
#When working locally set client IP to " localtesting".
if (-not $ClientIP -and $request.url.StartsWith("http://localhost:")) {
$ClientIP = "localtesting"
$CompareList = import-csv "AzGlueForwarder\OrgList.csv" -delimiter ","
$AllowedOrgs = $comparelist | where-object { $_.ip -eq $ClientIP }
if (!$AllowedOrgs) {
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
headers = @{'content-type' = 'application\json' }
StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
Body = @{"Error" = "401 - No match found in allowed list" } | convertto-json
exit 1
Write-Host ($request | convertto-json -depth 5)

Function ImmediateFailure ($message) {
Write-Host $message
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
headers = @{'content-type' = 'application\json' }
StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
Body = @{"Error" = $message } | convertto-json
exit 1

function Build-Body ($whitelistObj, $sourceObj) {
if (-not $sourceObj) {

#Sending request to ITGlue
#$resource = $request.params.path -replace "AzGlueForwarder/", ""

#get the resource URI. "https?" allows it to work locally and remotely. Removing the trailing slash
#now avoids issues later when we join the base URI and resource string with a forwardslash.
$resource = $request.url -replace "https?://$($ENV:WEBSITE_HOSTNAME)/API/", ""
#Replace x-api-key with actual key
$ITGHeaders = @{
"x-api-key" = $ENV:ITGlueAPIKey
$Method = $($Request.method)
$ITGBody = $($Request.body)
#write-host ($AllowedOrgs | out-string)
$SuccessfullQuery = $false
$attempt = 3
while ($attempt -gt 0 -and -not $SuccessfullQuery) {
try {
$ITGlueRequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -ContentType "application/vnd.api+json" -Uri "$($ENV:ITGlueURI)/$resource" -Body $ITGBody -Headers $ITGHeaders
$SuccessfullQuery = $true
if ($whitelistObj -is [hashtable] -or $whitelistObj -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
$newObject = @{}
foreach ($key in $whitelistObj.keys) {
if ($sourceObj.$key) {
$newObject[$key] = Build-Body $whitelistObj[$key] $sourceObj.$key
catch {
$ITGlueRequest = @{'Errorcode' = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ }
$rand = get-random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10
start-sleep $rand
if ($attempt -eq 0) { $ITGlueRequest = @{'Errorcode' = "Error code $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) - Made 3 attempts and upload failed. $($_.Exception.Message) / Resource was $($ENV:ITGlueURI)/$resource" } }
} elseif ($whitelistObj -is [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object]]) {
$newObject = @()
foreach ($item in $sourceObj) {
$newObject += Build-Body $whitelistObj[0] $item
} elseif ($whitelistObj -is [string]) {
$newObject = $sourceObj
} else {
Write-Error "Unexpected type found $whitelistObj"

#Where possible, strip the data that does not belong to this client.
#Important so passwords/items can only be retrieved belonging to this organisation.
#Can't do it for all requests.

# I've updated this code so that it filters organizations as well as config/password/flex assets.
# There is a bug in the original "$'organization-id'" check which will filter some records unintuitively.
# If you request data from an object which doesn't contain the .data.attributes.'organization-id' property, and only returns
# a single record, it will be returned to the client. If you request data from the same object but IT Glue returns multiple
# records, they will all be excluded from the returned data. This is because IT Glue wraps multiple records in an array of data
# records, and when checking to see if the attribute is set, PowerShell returns an array or nulls, which is not equal to null,
# and so passes the check. I am not fixing the bug because I intend to restrict this further anyway, and until then I don't want
# to expose more data than the original function does.
# this would fix it: if ($[0].attributes.'organization-id' -or ...

if ($'organization-id' -or $ -contains "organizations") {
$ = $ | Where-Object {
($_.type -eq "organizations" -and $ -in $AllowedOrgs.ITGlueOrgID) -or
($_.attributes.'organization-id' -in $AllowedOrgs.ITGlueOrgID)
Return $newObject

$clientToken = $request.headers.'x-api-key'

# Check if the client's API token matches our stored version and that it's not too short.
# Without this check, a misconfigured environmental variable could allow unauthenticated access.
# TODO: Set up a unique key per client, with each key linked to an array of org IDs and IP addresses.
if ($ENV:AzAPIKey.Length -lt 14 -or $clientToken -ne $ENV:AzAPIKey) {
ImmediateFailure "401 - API token does not match"

# Get the client's IP address
$ClientIP = ($request.headers.'X-Forwarded-For' -split ':')[0]
if (-not $ClientIP -and $request.url.StartsWith("http://localhost:")) {
$ClientIP = "localtesting"
# Check the client's IP against the IP/org whitelist.
$OrgList = import-csv "AzGlueForwarder\OrgList.csv" -delimiter ","
$AllowedOrgs = $OrgList | where-object { $_.ip -eq $ClientIP }
if (!$AllowedOrgs) {
ImmediateFailure "No match found in allowed list"

## Whitelisting endpoints & data.
# TODO: This takes about 800ms to import the first time. Need to confirm that subsequent queries are faster.
Measure-Command { Import-Module powershell-yaml -Function ConvertFrom-Yaml }
$endpoints = Get-Content .\whitelisted-endpoints.yml | ConvertFrom-Yaml

$resourceUri = $request.Query.ResourceURI
$resourceUri_generic = ([string]$resourceUri).TrimEnd("/") -replace "/\d+","/:id"

# Check to see if the called API endpoint & method has been whitelisted.
foreach ($key in $endpoints.keys) {
if ($endpoints[$key].endpoints -contains $resourceUri_generic -and $endpoints[$key].methods -contains $request.Method) {
$endpointKey = $key
if (-not $endpointKey) {
ImmediateFailure "401 - Unauthorized endpoint or method"

# Build new query string from required and whitelisted parameters
$itgQuery = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
foreach ($filter in $endpoints[$endpointKey].required_parameters.Keys) {
Write-Host $filter
$itgQuery.Add($filter, $endpoints[$endpointKey].required_parameters.$filter)
foreach ($filter in $endpoints[$endpointKey].allowed_parameters) {
Write-Host $filter
if ($request.Query.$filter) {
$itgQuery.Add($filter, $request.Query.$filter)

# Combine resource URI and query string
$uriBuilder = [System.UriBuilder]("{0}{1}" -f $ENV:ITGlueURI,$resourceUri)
$uriBuilder.Query = $itgQuery.ToString()
$itgUri = $uriBuilder.Uri.OriginalString

# Construct new request for IT Glue
# TODO: Move this to Key Vault
$itgHeaders = @{"x-api-key" = $ENV:ITGlueAPIKey}
$itgMethod = $Request.method
$oldBody = $request.body | convertfrom-json
$itgBody = Build-Body $endpoints[$endpointKey].createbody $oldBody
$itgBodyJson = $itgBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
Write-Information "Outgoing body: $itgBodyJson"

# Send request to IT Glue
$SuccessfullQuery = $false
$attempt = 2
while ($attempt -gt 0 -and -not $SuccessfullQuery) {
try {
$itgRequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $itgMethod -ContentType "application/vnd.api+json" -Uri $itgUri -Body $itgBodyJson -Headers $itgHeaders
$SuccessfullQuery = $true
} catch {
if ($attempt -eq 0) {
# don't include $_.Exception.Message to avoid leaking any unexpected information.
ImmediateFailure "$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) - Failed after 3 attempts to $itgUri."
start-sleep (get-random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10)

#Sending the final object back to the client.
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
headers = @{'content-type' = 'application\json' }
StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
Body = $ITGlueRequest

else {
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
headers = @{'content-type' = 'application\json' }
StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
Body = @{"Error" = "401 - No API Key entered or API key incorrect." } | convertto-json


# For organization specific data, only return records linked to the authorized client.
if ($ -contains "organizations" -or
$[0].attributes.'organization-id') {

$ = $ | Where-Object {
($_.type -eq "organizations" -and $ -in $allowedOrgs.ITGlueOrgID) -or
($_.attributes.'organization-id' -in $allowedOrgs.ITGlueOrgID)

# Strip out any paramaters from the body which haven't been explicitly whitelisted.
$itgReturnBody = Build-Body $endpoints[$endpointKey].returnbody $itgRequest
if ($itgRequest.meta) {$itgReturnBody.meta = $itgRequest.meta}
if ($itgRequest.links) {$itgReturnBody.links = $itgRequest.links}

# Return the final object.
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
headers = @{'content-type' = 'application\json' }
StatusCode = [httpstatuscode]::OK
Body = $itgReturnBody
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions AzGluePS/requirements.psd1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
'Az' = '4.*'
'powershell-yaml' = '0.4.2'

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