I grolt, therefore I am.
I am Grolt.
There's no place like Grolt.
We're all pretty Grolt. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.
Grolt helps those who help themselves.
All you need is Grolt (Grolt is all you need).
Yeah, sorry about that. Grolt is a Docker-based development and testing framework for Neo4j. It is used internally by Neo4j Engineering, and maintained by the team.
You can, although we're not able to provide much external support or documentation right now. Plus the surface is still undergoing stabilisation, so be prepared for things to break.
Grolt requires python 3. Depending on your local configuration You may need to use python3
or alias python=python3
before running the installation command.
To install Grolt in developer mode, simply run:
python setup.py develop
The primary interface is through the CLI, so to see the options available, use:
grolt --help