Android-Libs is a portal with hundreds of android libraries and tools for developers.
Because of my passwords stored in /app/config/database.php
I had to remove it from the repository.
Get a fresh one from here.
Do a composer install
in the root directory.
I have used several packages. Please install them and follow their installation instructions:
- [Laravel IDE Helper Generator] (
- [Laravel 4 Debugbar] (
- [Cartalyst Sentry] (
- [Laravel GitHub] (
- [Eloquent Sluggable] (
- Laravel Sitemap
- Laravel RSS
- Laravel Assets
- OAuth for Laravel
- The initial library list used contents of the [Android Arsenal] ( Thanks for that!
After the composer install
do a php artisan migrate --package=cartalyst/sentry
for the Sentry2 package and a php artisan migrate
for the Android-Libs tables.
Thanks for any contributions made! Also thank you for submitting your libraries to
I would appreciate any supports on GratiPay: