A single header file to create random hash functions.
#include <iostream>
#include "hash_engine.h"
#include <vector>
int main() {
hash_engine h;
// seed rng state
size_t output_bits = 12;
size_t period = 4096; // same as 1ull << output_bits
// these parameters control the complexity of the generated functions
// NOTE: internally these are garunteed to be odd to garuntee that least
// one instruction is performed w/o the potential of being inverted
size_t minimum_instructions = 11;
size_t maximum_instructions = 19;
// setup the hash engine
// the configuration is kept so that the engine can
// rebuild a new hash function when the period is complete
// usage:
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
// return the hashed value using the currently
// "built" hash function
size_t alternate = h.hash(h.current_index);
// return a hash value from an internal counter inside hash_engine
// increment the internal counter and
// builds a new hash function after the period is complete
size_t value = h.generate();
// these values should be ==
std::cout << alternate << '\t' << value << '\n';
// the neat property of hash_engine's output is
// that the result of the following is injective
// for [0,1<<output_bits)!
size_t masked_value = value & h.output_mask;
// card shuffle example:
std::vector<size_t> deck;
const char* card_suits[] = {"hearts","dimonds","spades","clubs"};
const char* card_ranks[] = {"two of", "three of",
"four of",
"five of",
"six of",
"seven of",
"eight of",
"nine of",
"ten of",
"jack of",
"queen of",
"king of",
"ace of"
for (size_t i = 0; i < h.period; i++) {
size_t card_value = h.hash(i) & h.output_mask;
// we can use the injective property to garuntee the shuffle order
if (card_value < 52) {
std::cout << card_ranks[card_value >> 2] << ' ' << card_suits[card_value & 0x3] << '\n';
return 0;
I found myself in need of a hash function which held the following properties:
- I could control the period of the cycle
- The hash function had a range which I could garuntee was injective
Essentially I needed a way to remap a range of integers [x,y) -> [x,y), and so I needed hash functions which would not collide within [x,y).
But I had one additional requirement, I needed multiple hash functions on the fly!